Saturday, March 29, 2008


Just a somewhat late update on some important events for me.

Last Friday, I got the two things I've been wanting (and at times felt like I was needing) for a long, long time. Two things that open up worlds of new freedom--Driver's license and a cell phone.

So yes, I am quite happy right now.

And I'm cured of my stomach sickness, so I'm even happier.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sigh, Gasp, Moan, Groan

Finally able to make it to school today after having the stomach bug from Sunday night to yesterday.

Missed homework waiting for me. Test tomorrow on notes I only caught up on today. Stomach still kinda queasy.

Despair...hopelessness...utter loss............not really, but still.

So, though I want to post, all you're getting is:


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm Baaaaaaack!

I know what you're thinking. This is a post written to apologize for not posting enough, something I apologized for in my last apologetic post.

Well, I can't blame you for thinking that, what with the title and the fact that I haven't posted for a while and all; but in fact, I don't really feel the need to apologize for not posting.

*Gasp* you say? How could I be so callous and un-remorseful after repeating the offense, you ask? Why did I take the time to apologize before for the same thing, whilst now I brush it off like I did absolutely nothing wrong, you wonder?

Because, in all honesty, the only thing I should apologize for is not warning you about my going to Washington D.C. for a class trip last week.

Phew, I haven't seared my blogging conscience yet.

So yes, I was gone from Thursday 1 o'clock PM to Monday 10 o'clock PM on a quite enjoyable class trip to first Philadelphia and then our great nation's capital. Good stuff. Before you start getting angry with me as you realize that I didn't warn you about such an event interrupting my intended resurgence in blogging, let me offer the excuse that I had every intention of doing so. However, on Wednesday, I caught strep throat, which complicated things, and sapped any time I had that could have gone to a short 2 minute post of notification.

Yes, I got strep throat. Not what you want to get the night before you leave on a class trip. Not that you ever want to get it, but right then was a really bad time. I knew I was starting something that day in school, and as it kept getting worse, I could tell right away it was strep (remember one of my excuses for previous absence? I had had strep throat, and that was only three weeks before I had gotten it on Wednesday, so the feeling was still fresh in my head.) Anyhow, I knew I needed to get an appointment so I could get antibiotics before the trip, otherwise there was no way I was going to be able to go. Problem was, our doctor's office had no openings before the intended journey. So we had to get an appointment with a similar office in Burlington, which took up a lot of time to get to. Anyway, we got there and I got the meds, and since strep throat stops being contagious after 24 hours on the antibiotics, I was good to go. Six or seven hours of germs wasn't going to kill anyone on the trip (don't worry, none of them caught it). So I got to enjoy cramming myself in with the 13 other people and luggage in a 15-passenger van, and getting to see Washington D.C. (I've seen it before, but not as much of it). Good trip. Lotsa stuff happened, enough that I don't feel like writing it all down, but suffice it to say things were never boring.

Anyway, I've got homework to do. Too lazy to upload pictures from my camera, you'll have to wait 'til later for those.

I have returned!

Even though you didn't know I was gone!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Guys Vs. Girls 2

Gym class at school ranks way down there on my list of non-academic classes at school.

It's not that I don't like exercising. Trust me, I would have quit karate long ago were that true. And, although I'm not crazy about sports, I do enjoy playing them enough for that not to be a factor in my disliking of P.E. My school just seems to find ways to make gym class incredibly dumb, such as "capture the flag", which sounds fun until you realize that our version has 50 kids on a soccer field for a playing zone. Very, very stupid. Things like that are profusely infused into our P.E., and serve to make said class quite unpopular.

Thus, a fun, interesting gym class is a rare gem buried in a pile of junk.

So a few weeks of fun gym classes has felt really, really good.

I stink at soccer, but I'm capable of playing defense well enough to make it fun. So soccer is always nice to have. With snow on the ground, though, you can't exactly play outside on the field. So, we use the gymnasium instead (basically, a basketball court with a little extra space). For the last two weeks, we've set it up using lunch tables as goals (as an encouragement to keep the ball low) and would swap out having all the guys out or all the girls. Good stuff, especially when we guys sort it out so we only have six on the court at one time. Very fun, actually; gym floors and low, narrow goals make things interesting. And it's nice to have periods of rest in between intense games (when the girls play).

Anyway, all this to get to the point.

When the guys are out playing soccer, everyone, excepting two or three, get really into it, and at least make some effort to run after the ball and try to score/defend our goal and whatnot. While watching the girls play, however, you find only a handful who run, who try hard to score, who do more than stand around and wait for the ball to come near them for them to try to kick it.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not insinuating in any way, shape, or form that girls can't play sports or are lazy or are inferior to guys. I know plenty of girls that could cream me in any sport. The only thing I'm saying is that most of the girls in the gym class were not trying as hard as the guys were. In fact, half of them were purposely sitting out and talking. Besides three or four that ran around after the ball and actually tried to score or defend their goal, the others would just stand around, occasionally jogging a few feet here or there when the ball came near them, unleash a kick, then stroll along back to where they were standing with their friends and giggle while they continued the conversation they were having with their friends before the ball entered their general proximity. Thus, it was more like watching pinball. The ball gets launched from somewhere, it bounces off a pin, then another pin, then another, and somehow doesn't seem to go very far.

I was sitting there watching this amusing sight, wondering why it was that the girls seemed to not try at soccer. I knew most of them were better than me in sports like basketball or volleyball, so athletic ability wasn't really a factor. It just seemed like they didn't care. They just didn't really care whether they won or lost. We guys were working our heads off, being tied at 0 to 0 for almost the whole game, until the other team finally scored a goal at the end (yeah, we lost, but 1-0 was actually WAY better than I thought we'd do. Their team was stacked with some of the best guys on the soccer team, and I was hastily made captain of a rag-tag bunch who were all of an average skill level. We played hard to make sure they didn't cream us, and I'm proud of it). The girls just didn't care, they almost didn't even consider it a game, just something to do to pass the time, it seemed. And, as I thought about it, why should anyone care? It was just an activity we all had to do, it wasn't like we were playing another school and trying to make our school look good by winning, we were just all out there doing what we were told to do.

The only difference was the guys just had the desire to win, to be the best, while the girls didn't care, as it didn't really matter anyway.

So, upon pondering such a pondering, I pondered a little more, and my pondering led me to think beyond the soccer game taking place before me. (oooo, dramatic sentence, :D)

I think, for the most part, guys are just way more competitive than girls. Again, notice I said for the most part and please note that I know many competitive girls. Guys just always want to be the best, no matter what it is. Thus, guys have a bigger ego, thus they don't submit to leadership as easily as girls do, thus they do their own thing more, etc. (e.g.--Who gets in trouble more at school? Girls or guys? And even though part of that at my school is due to sexism (trust me, lol), I will admit guys break more rules than girls do). Guys don't like feeling inferior, even if they are. That's honestly one of the reasons why I like going to Saturday morning karate classes as opposed to the Monday night ones: there are less people there of a higher rank/higher skill level than me. This hatred of inferiority makes us want to win, makes us not like to have to have someone governing us, makes us not want to have to have someone else's help for something, makes us more independent.

Girls seem to lack this competitiveness, for the most part. True, everyone likes being the best, but we guys just take it to the next level. Girls like having people they can tell their thoughts and feelings to, and thus have closer friendships, because they don't care if they need someone else's help. They don't rebel against the rules as much (but they still do it plenty) because they don't feel inferior, or at least don't care. Basically, they have a smaller ego. Which is a good thing, obviously, although it results in less drive to become the best, and less independence. Thus, less effort in a soccer game whose only reward is the satisfaction of winning.

So then, after expostulating this wondrously basic, and yet somehow not often thought of, thought, I decided that it would make good blog material. And, as I did in my first Guys Vs. Girls post, I am now asking you, the general masses, to further expostulate on said thought. Do you agree with my thought, or am I hopelessly confused/utterly wrong?

Impart some of your collective wisdom unto me.

(And before I get any nasty comments, let me again take the time to re-specify that this post is not in any way, shape, or form, meant to demean females/make guys look good, nor do I assert that this is true for everyone--I already know of some exceptions. This is only meant as a general thought which has seemed to be true)

Alright, after that disclaimer, comment away!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

To Enjoy or Not to Enjoy?

Methinks Shakespeare stinketh not, as I heretofore thought.

If, perchance, a small while ago, thou hadst asked of me what I thought of said renowned bard, I doubt, forsooth, that I wouldst have given mine approval. Shakespeare hath not much pleased me, nor have I enjoyed the learning of his plays. His dramas have always seemed dramatic overmuch, and his comedies have not touched upon my humor. If 'twere not enough, all his plays are scribed in "ye olde English", with nary so much as a footnote hither and thither to guide thee along the path. 'Tis not much unclear, methinks, wherefore I have not quite found his plays to be of that enjoyable mold, and have rather regarded them with somewhat of disdain.

However, I find Shakespeare groweth on my taste.

Nay, I should specify the aforementioned statement. I find not Shakespeare's Hamlet to be of unenjoyable quality, in sooth, I am finding that I, verily, enjoy it. Verily. Take not this statement in a light manner. As afore remarked, I have been one of the many, I daresay, who findeth not Shakespeare to their liking. Yet, as I read through Hamlet in mine English Literature class, I discover that, perhaps, I have been wrong about how Shakespeare stinketh. Hamlet seemeth to contain a vast horde of insight into the human mind. A exceedingly vast trove of insight, such that as I read I find mine own wonderings and doubts spoken by the characters. A remarkable feeling, mind you, to find thine own thoughts written by another. Such insight I have found in no other place, excepting the Bible. If such wondrous knowledge were not enough, the book hath managed to hold my interest with its surprising suspense, a feat that, were I remembering correctly, no other Shakespearean play hath managed to perform. Ergo, Shakespeare hath redeemed himself by his writing such an impressive work.

Verily, this post hath not been overly facile to compose. My speculation saith that 'twill not be easily read, either.

But, forsooth, this exercise in "ye olde English" hath been quite entertaining.

Monday, March 3, 2008


My mind is swimming with thoughts that want to be written down.

Unfortunately, I have neither the time nor the will to write all of them, at least not yet, so you'll have to settle for a paltry few.

1) w00t!!!! UMass Lowell accepted me and gave me the Commonwealth Scholarship, which covers all tuition and fees and even pays an allowance of up to 2000 bucks to cover living and commuting expenses. I seriously doubt I'm going anywhere else for my higher education after the Lord provided this.

2)I need to learn how to stop procrastinating. Shoulda had my license by now. Should learn how to get homework assigned earlier than a day before it's due done, would make life much easier.

3)Need to get homework done earlier so I can make it out to Karate more. Made it last Wednesday because there was no prayer meeting, but that's been my last time. Not good. I'll never get my black belt at this rate. Grrrr, but I WILL, even if it wasn't as soon as I hoped.

4)I need to practice kaatas more. Last Wednesday was a great refresher for Cat 3, so at least that's nice and fresh in my head. Unfortunately, Cat 1 and 2 are rusty, Circle of the Tiger lacks the energy and confidence I could do it with (peaked before my third-degree brown belt test, heehee), and I'm not adding in the little details of the Pinans that come as you advance. And Statue of the Crane? Heh, I remember the beginning, and I'll remember the whole thing after seeing it one more time, but right now, even practicing it is impossible. Grrrrr-sigh<----(combo of frustration and determination mixed into one exclamation of remorse) In my defense, kaatas were forgotten during the period of time with college applications and summer job e-mailing and school exams and whatnot.

Did I ever mention that I did get that job working in Boston with a doctor doing research on osteoporosis cures? And that it pays absolutely zip, while requiring that I get my rear end over to Boston whilst shelling out dough for fuel for said journey? Thus creating a situation where I lose money but gain experience and education, thus making said money-draining job worthwhile? Considering the fact it will land me a similar, paying job in the future, and help me get accepted into medical school? 'Cause if I forgot to mention all that, I just mentioned it now.

5)I love it when people ask me if I'm counting down the days until I graduate. My response? I'm in no rush to grow up. Reaction to said response varies. Old 'n' crusty middle-aged people seem to think that's smart, young 'n' green people either feel the same way or think I'm crazy. Usually they think I'm crazy.

6)Need to learn how to sleep. Seriously. I stink at it. I get into sleep habits way too easily and can't break out of them no matter how tired I am. Should probably start thinking of hitting the sack soon, but I'm not even on the verge of sleepiness....

7)I need to learn how to stop thinking and start doing. Too often I plan or dream or imagine, but don't follow through. Not the way to get through life, I venture to say.

8)I should review the definition of "A paltry few". Eight thoughts just doesn't quite seem too paltry to me, though I do have much more stashed in the ol' noggin that are just itching to be expressed in writing. Look for a few more posts, each on a bigger thought.