Monday, January 21, 2008

Angel of Death

Some of you may remember my previous posts about AWANA, a Bible-club thingamajig my church holds every other Friday that I teach a class in.

Well, every so often, we hold a special AWANA night (e.g. Pizza Night, Ice Cream Night, Crazy Hair & Hat Night, etc.) Last Friday was "Bible Character Dress-Up Night".

Hopefully I don't have to explain it. :D

Anyway, even though I, as a teacher/helper at AWANA, am under no obligation to participate (technically not even the kids are, but there's prizes for best and most original, so that's encouragement enough), I decided I'd have a little fun and join in. And, since I was a teacher, I wanted to have a really cool, somewhat-original costume (Gotta be a good example for the kiddies, y'know :D). So, after mulling over what would fit the bill, I came up with what seemed to be the perfect idea.

I'd say it here but you can read the title of the post. (heh, I'm so lazy I'll say all this instead of just giving you the name)

My plans, at first, were quite extensive. After buying two, three-dollar, black bedsheets at Wal-Mart, I took pains in planning out how I was going to cut them, sew them, put them together, etc. (Yes, I know how to sew [a little]) Somehow, my mom talked me out of it and convinced me to just use a simple design and safety pins. I think she thought it a waste of perfectly good bedsheets. Anyway, I ended up cutting up one of them. I even had plans to make my staff into a scythe, but, alas, my procrastination got the best of me and I ended up with no time Friday night (after getting a lesson ready, eating dinner, blogging, and pinning my cloak together). So, I went with a staff. Not like the Angel of Death had either, but I wanted to get the message across. Bet he didn't even wear black for that matter, heh heh.

Anyway, all that to introduce these pictures to you.

Lol, perfect time for red eye in the first one. In all of them actually. Makes me look a little bit more evil than the Angel of Death though, I think. :D

Friday, January 18, 2008

"Yeah, We're Rolling."

WARNING: If you have not yet seen Alpha Squad Vs. Pickaxe Gang: Directors' Cut yet, DO NOT READ THIS POST UNTIL AFTER YOU SEE IT.

Maybe this sounds dumb, but I love watching the Alphas vs. Pickaxes movies.

No matter how many times I hear them, certain lines make me laugh. For example, the title of this post, which John said so perfectly in the interview with the director, never ceases to make me crack up. Some other favorites: "Hey, you can't do this, this is discrimination!"; "(in a perfect British accent) Scurvy scum?! Now I'm the Billy Bob Joe Pegleg around here!"; "I love treeeeeesss"; etc. (and for actions in the movie, I loved it when the "shovel demonstrator" got wiped off the scene by the cue ball the third time we tried it, and when the tree guy wobbles around before tumbling under the director's assault)

Now, while I was thinking about what my favorite parts were, I wondered, "What parts do the general audience, the hoi-poloi, the viewers of our masterpiece enjoy the most?" (Actually, it was more along the lines of: "Wonder what everyone's favorite parts were.")

Which brings me to my point.

What part(s) of our movie(s) is your favorite?

Maybe John and I could get some ideas from your comments, and who knows? A third installment of the blockbuster hit could be in the works! (I doubt we'd be able to use any ideas though, lol, those movies are done with hardly any ideas at all, just randomness)

Until then, let us know what you think, and vote in the poll I put up!

Flying Squirrel!!!

Picture this: You come home from youth group at church, are only home for about five minutes, during which time your sister goes to her room, when suddenly you hear a blood-curdling shriek emanating from her bedroom.

Your parents leap up and yell, "What's wrong?", as expected, and already begin their journey to either cure the cause of the scream, or give a cause to scream, when the hysterical reply is heard.

"There's a flying squirrel in my bedroom!"

Welcome to my last Wednesday night.

Now, I can probably guess what you're thinking, or at least part of it. Number 1: you're thinking, "WOW! A flying squirrel??? AWESOME! I want to see one!" Number 2: (this one varies depending on gender and personality) you're thinking, "Eek, that stinks to find a furry little animal running around in your bedroom. But, wow! A flying squirrel!" Number 3: "How did she know what a flying squirrel looks like? Did it fly? Wow, a flying squirrel!" And Number 4: "What happened? A flying squirrel!"

Well, I can answer those questions/thoughts.

Before I start, I should probably mention that I wanted to post about this earlier but did not get the time until today.

First of all, I will say that although for a very long time I wanted to see a flying squirrel, I have come to not particularly enjoy seeing them. This is due to the fact that we have had a flying squirrel infestation in our house, and the times I would see them would be when I would go down to the basement to use the computer, hear a little scratching noise and turn around to see a squirrel peeking out of a little hole in the ceiling. Or when I would open the basement door and see one standing on the second-to-top stair staring at me. Or when they were running sideways on the giant beam going across our basement. Or when they'd be running around the garage. Or when...

You get the picture.

Needless to say, I came not to enjoy seeing their cute little face or their cool gliding skills. (I would love to see one in the wild, but that's nearly impossible since they're nocturnal and very good at blending in with their surroundings) And so, when we finally fixed the problem and closed off the hole that it seemed they were coming in from, we thought we had gotten rid of them.

Well, we almost did.

This one little bugger managed to find his way in somehow, and make it to the girls' room. And so, when my sister walked in and turned on the lights, there was a little furry creature staring at her (which she knew to be a flying squirrel since she had seen her share of them). To quote her upon this discovery:


Anyway, when we learned of the problem, Andrew, my dad, and I were dispatched to remove the little guy. So, we shut the door, cutting off his only escape route, got a broom and a walking stick and a wastebasket, and started chasing the poor stinker around, trying to catch him. We thought we'd lost him, and I left my dad and my brother to try to figure out where he'd come from/escaped to, when I heard the shout, "We found 'im!" and hubbub from behind the closed door. Thus, I did not see Andrew actually rustle him out of the *ahem* big mess under my sister's bed with the walking stick and somehow catch him with the wastebasket in the other hand, but that's what I'm told, and since the squirrel was in the wastebasket, trapped under something they put on top to keep him from climbing out, I have to give Andrew credit for having lightning reflexes.

So, my mom drove Andrew, still holding the wastebasket with its rodent cargo, 7 miles out to be dumped off in some woods somewhere.

My sisters are still sleeping in the family room.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Alpha Squad vs. Pickaxe Gang: Directors' Cut

(Please note that the following was written yesterday night, at the intended time of publishing, but due to an error with Blogger, had to wait until today to be posted)

And now, yet another moment you've all been waiting for!!!

...Although, I guess you couldn't really be waiting for it since you didn't even know it was coming.

But, whether you were waiting or not, whether you're ready or not, whether you even care or not, it's here!!!

"What's here?", you ask?

What's here??? Hopefully you're not asking that question, because the title basically says it all. What you should be asking is, "What do you mean by 'Directors' Cut'?"

Glad you asked!

Directors' Cut
means that John came over my house today. Directors' Cut means that John and I wanted to make a sequel to our well-beloved, timeless classic. Directors' Cut means that we did it by interviewing various characters from the aforementioned well-beloved, timeless classic. Directors' Cut means that it's ten times crazier and random than the original. Directors' Cut means that you should not watch this if you're a sane, reasonable person. And, last but not least, Directors' Cut means that I, and I'm sure John as well, have a sore throat.

Good stuff.

Just a few points to note before you watch this movie: Watch, if you haven't already, the edited version of the original first: it'll make us look a little bit less like maniacs with absolutely no logic at all. And you may want to see the original to remember what it was like. Also, please take note of the fact that the movie was recorded on a new camera with the setting accidentally put on widescreen mode, and that the beginning of the movie somehow got messed up. It's supposed to begin with the pickaxe gang member describing how he wanted to use a shovel instead of a pickaxe because he thought it would discriminate against shovels to use only pickaxes.

Oh yes, this one is somehow ten times wierder and crazier than the first.

And so, with that in mind, ladies and gents, boys and girlies, I hereby present unto you, the Directors' Cut of The Alpha Squad Vs. The Pickaxe Gang! (applause here)

Lol, good stuff. Yeah, we're crazy. But we had a blast. Did you? :D

Monday, January 14, 2008

Coming Soon...

This post is to forewarn you about something special that will, hopefully, be posted tomorrow. For some reason, Blogger is giving me problems and isn't letting me post it tonight. This post is just here to show you that it was supposed to be out by now.

Friday, January 11, 2008

This Just in: Blogging Slump

Dunno how the Dow Jones or NASDAQ is doing right now, but I do have the unfortunate news that the MFBP (My Fellow Bloggers' Posts) market has seen a steep and steady decline.

Yes, I will be the first to admit that I am a longtime and current offender. But, what's distressing me, all those faithful others are suddenly...acting like my lazy self (insert *gasp* here). John, Eric, Christine, and Aaron have all either not posted for a while or have just posted after a long period of silence. This terrible news may be enough to break your heart (including, of course, the lax behavior of yours truly), but it gets worse...

(The reader is hereby warned that the following information is not for the faint of heart or those with weak constitutions. If for any reason you feel lightheaded or dizzy after reading this information, stop reading, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, then quickly close the browser window.)

...Anyway, for the horrifying part...

...Mrs. only average of 1.25 posts per day.....

(insert creepy organ music and chorus of *gasp*s and sounds of ladies fainting here)

What is this world coming to???

I would think that our mass-lack-of-posting was due to Christmas and New Year and such, with the business encased therein consuming our time, and that we still haven't recovered. I know, for myself at least, that Knights' Academy took up much of my time, and kinda killed the blogging spirit (speaking of which, does anyone mind that I haven't even started chapter 2 yet? I just didn't think anyone really finished chapter 1--except Andrew--so I took it easy) But, this un-bloggy spirit shall not prevail! I have returned! And, I hope, so will the rest o' yas!

Until the blogging spirit dies again, that is. ;)

(By the way, I take back the horrifying news that Mrs. B. was only averaging about 1.25 posts a day. Apparently, that's yesterday's news. She's back on track with about 50 bazillion a day)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Here I am. I made it to 2008!

For those of you that have forgotten, this is the year I graduate from high school, decide which college to attend (I've applied to three but am not sure of which one I want or will go to), decide what major to study (looking like Biology right now), and thus begin my journey into--*cough cough hack*--responsibility and maturity.


In case you didn't know, being a kid is the best. Being where I am: the best also. Being an adult: Scary. Although adulthood does have aspects to look forward to.

Ever come to a major turning point in your life and, looking back, realize how great life has been so far? And, when you look at your current station in life, realize that where you are is really, really, good, so good that you'd almost be happy to stay the same age at the same area of life?

Then, you look ahead, and realize that you have no idea how it's going to be later on? Actually, you realize that later on, you're going to be responsible for not only yourself, but, possibly, for others? That you actually will be responsible for yourself, that you will shape your future in the most drastic way yet? That all the free time you enjoyed, the times of blissful idleness that are already becoming few and far between, will all but disappear?

And, considering all this about the future, you take a step back and have very little in the way of a plan. You're stepping out into a cloudy future, with barely anything in the way of a map. Yet, this is your future. This determines what you will now make of yourself.

Like I said, scary.

The future is not all dark and forbidding, however. In it, you catch glimpses, dreams of the independence you will have, the blessings you may receive. And these visions of happiness and the thought that maybe, just maybe, each station of life one is in can be the best, give you the hope and courage you need to begin to almost look forward to your future.

A new year. A new chapter of my life.

I'd like to ask whoever reads this for prayer. I really need God's guidance for deciding which college to go to and what to do. And I want to make sure I do what God wants me to do, because I know that whatever it is, I'll be happy as long as I'm doing His will.