Saturday, January 29, 2011

Profession of Hatred

Just thought that I should put into writing a truth that has defined my existence since forever:

I hate clothes shopping.

Clothes are, in of themselves, alright...and I will stoop so far as to admit that it's fun to find something that I feel comfortable in or that I think looks good on me.  But, shopping for them is pain. Pain. Whenever I find myself in need of some new clothing, be it a new pair of jeans to replace an old and ratty pair, or a new dress shirt to wear in the place of one that lost a fight with a bowl of spaghetti, the process of shopping for my new article of clothing is inevitably about twenty times longer than it should be.  If that weren't bad enough, this ridiculously long process rarely results in my obtaining all the items I need.  Therefore, it is loathed by yours truly.

For example, looking for a shirt usually goes something like this:
  1. Found a shirt in the style I was looking for...but all the colors left are in garish hues such as lime green and hot pink.
  2. Hey, here's some properly colored shirts...but the styles make them look like they were designed by a drunken clothing artist who was also on crack at the time. 
  3. Oh look, here are some shirts that are exactly what I was looking for, with good style and color...but they're all XL, XXL, XXXL, or XXXXXXXXXL.
  4. Gasp...I'll never find what I was looking for...HEY!! I think this one will work!!! (reads price) SIXTY BUCKS FOR A LOUSY T-SHIRT?!?!
  6. Better go try this on just to make sure (does so).  Well, whaddya know...this shirt is baggier/tighter than a medium should be, and it fits in an awkward way that makes me look (fill in the blank with an adjective of your choice that has the general idea of "stupid")
Of course, I'm posting this because I went clothes shopping today. It wasn't as bad as it usually is, because this time Andrew and my dad put in requests for clothes.  Thus, I got Andrew and my dad a combined total of about $120 worth in clothes, and only $18 for myself.  Why?  Well, part of it was that I wasn't the one paying for the clothes, so the money had nothing really to do with it (though all their clothes were for really good prices, being on sale and/or clearance).  No, the real reason I got them so much is they're bigger than all those way-too-big shirts are just right on them! :D

So yes, when clothes shopping is productive, I don't mind it as much.  But the fact still remains, clothes shopping bears the mark of my hatred.

A Different Me

Well hello there, strange blogger world of my youth.  It has been quite a while since we last met. So long, in fact, that I have aged about two and a half years...and am thus an old geezer now.  Alas and alack, such is the way of life.

As a result of my newfound geezer-dom, my blogging shall be quite different from what it was.  Less article-like, and now geared towards being written more than towards being read.  Oh, and it will also tend to avoid the long rambles I had a penchant for back in the day.  Don't know if I'll ever feel comfortable writing a journal that everyone can read, but I definitely need some new outlet for my thoughts.  Consider yourself warned!

Anyhow, for those of you that may be wondering, this sudden return to blogging comes as a result of nostalgia for days long ago; a nostalgia brought about by the timely reminder of some fans of stupid lego videos I may or may not have had a part in :) (told you I was a geezer!).  Turns out, going back to my blog to re-watch the director's cut of the timeless classic and checking out Face to the Sunshine's new and improved blog reminded me of just how much fun I had....and made me realize that blogging could be just the outlet I need, since I have the very uncharacteristic urge to write a journal but feel like that would make me lose some serious man-points.  Along with the fact that I type faster than I write.

Plus, this will be the perfect release area for the next installment of aforementioned stupid lego videos. >:D

Let's see how long this blogging urge lasts...until it runs out, prepare for a different Zuzusmoosher.

(P.S--My background has a picture of cells under a microscope.  It is thus 1000x more awesome.)