Saturday, September 29, 2007

Team Fortress 2

Most of you have probably never heard of Team Fortress, much less played it. The original TF is a bit outdated by now, but the idea is one of the most fundamentally sound for multiplayer. The idea is a lot like Capture the Flag, you try to run into the enemy's base and steal their flag/top secret whatever-it-is. TF added a little twist however. You could choose to be one of a few different specialists. An engineer built defensive turrets to guard the flag, the heavy-weapons guy mowed down whole battalions with his giant gun, the medic healed injured team members, the spy could disguise himself to look like one of the enemy players, and so on. It was, in short, such a good idea many started using the same priniciples for their games.

Now, the makers are coming out with Team Fortress 2.

I have to admit, I was a little doubtful as to whether or not it was possible to remake a game like that. Then I saw the trailer.

I am SO buying this game once it comes out.

If you would like to see what convinced me, first watch this trailer to get an idea of what the different professions do (the engineer builds robot guns even though the trailer doesn't show that too much). Then, if you'd like a laugh, watch the interview with the Heavy Weapons Guy, the Soldier, and, my personal favorite, the Engineer. If you wanna see even more, check out this gameplay trailer (this one's the prime mover in my want to get the game, be warned: it's pretty violent). Trust me when I say these links are worth your while, I've seen them like fifty times and I still enjoy watching them (maybe I have a slightly sadistic sense of humor? O.o).

If you haven't played the original, you may not be convinced that this game is gonna be awesome. But as for me, I can't wait.


John said...

Team Fortress 2 is allready out dude, if you buy it over steam. And yes, it is awesome, I'll probably get it once it comes out on CD and won't have to buy it over steam. we'll play :)

Zuzusmoosher said...

It's only out for pre-purchase, the only thing you play is the beta version. At least that's what it looked like to me.

Zuzusmoosher said...

It's official, the release date is October 10. You got confused with the pre-purchase with playable beta version, John. :P