Who would you rather have upset at you, a guy or a girl?
And, oh yes, they're really, really, REALLY angry with you.
Fightin' mad.
Tough choice? Maybe not, I know my answer.
In case you need some help, allow me to break down the behavior of each when fighting. And, in case you're expecting some deep philosophical delving into this subject, let me shatter your expectations and say that what I'm about to say is very unlikely something you don't already know, I'm just observing a few points we all see. But before you stop reading after learning that you know all this, may I be so bold as to say that sometimes it's enjoyable to contemplate the obvious for the simple reason we take it for granted. (Just a side note that probably only Mrs. B. will get, that whole paragraph is what my karate instructor calls "filler crap"; the unneccessary yet neccessary stuff. No, I don't really know how that works, but there it is.)
And now for the feature presentation.
You've seen it, you know. A guy pokes fun at another guy, that guy gets annoyed and fires back a more offensive remark, the first guy gets annoyed and spits out a worse one, the other guy gets angry and yells out something worse, the first guy...you get the picture. If it escalates enough, one guy will hold a grudge and then one day when they both meet and one will say something and the other guy throws a punch and a fist-fight breaks out. Ouch.
Quickly zap to a scenario with two girls fighting.
Again, you've seen it and you know. One girl does or says something another girl doesn't like. All of a sudden you notice that that girl is acting somewhat strangely around the first girl. Then you notice that the girl starts talking badly about the first girl. Then the girl starts trying to win her friends over to her side. The other girl notices and does the same. Before you know it, you have two groups of opposing opinions. The two girls in disagreement are shunned by the opposite group. And along the way there are tears, there are slanders, there are small psychological tortures such as ignoring the other girl and ostracizing them. When they talk about the other, to quote Alexander Pope, "At every word, a reputation dies." And so on, for a very long time, until a common enemy arises or the original problem is somehow resolved. As I said earlier about a guy fight, Ouch.
Now that we've reviewed the fighting techniques of each gender, which at times are reversed, did you change your mind? Considering the fact that you probably already knew all of what I said back there, there probably couldn't have been any reason for you to do so. Personally, I would much rather get in a fight with a guy than with a girl, possibly because I am a guy and thus would deal with the situation more naturally. But I actually have a good reason for my choice. When I fight with a guy, in most cases the fight is resolved at some point, normally not very long after the start, by either a good ol' yelling match or a few good ol' fisticuffs. And when you've channeled your anger into either of those, most of the time it dies down after that and you become friends with the guy you fought with. With girls, on the other hand, the fights are stretched for as long as every drop of malice can be squeezed out, drop by stinging drop. Add that to the fact girls tend to involve innocent bystanders/close friends into the fight, feeding them 'til they're fat with that particular girl's side of the story. And then there's the way they torture the other girl mentally. I've seen girls hurt really bad because of the psychological tortures of another girl. I think it's a lot easier to stop being angry at someone when you unleash it all in one burst rather than eak it out little by little.
Anyway, that's what I think, but now I want to hear from you.
What do you think is worse? And am I right in the way I look at the fights of each gender?
Posting comments is free, so don't hold back!
Hey ya "Zuzu",
As a female, I agree with you entirely that being in a fight with a guy is just so much simpler. I have a minimal amount of female friends, simply for the reason you have stated. Girls have a tendency to be petty, backstabbing, secretive, and indirect without actually telling the other party why they are annoyed.
Guys, you just call them stupid, they fume/yell for no longer than a day, and then just get over it.
As a female who employs the male philosophy, that's my opinion. :-P
Guys are easier. You can actually fight them.
So far two for two, both in agreement with me. Any dissenters?
Excellent use of the term "filler crap"! (I love karate-related side notes.) Excellent quote from Alexander Pope. I especially like your own words, "feeding them 'til they're fat with that particular girl's side of the story." Vivid!
You are, sadly, correct in your philosophy. My only dissension is to say that I really hope that we "girls" can outgrow all the mean psychological warfare stuff, as we willingly submit to the Lord. Hopefully there are some wise, kindly, godly girls who are willing to forgo all the cruelty and deal directly and in love with their troubled friendships.
So, you're right about the NATURAL tactics of girls vs. boys, but either gender can be capable of rising above those tactics by following Jesus. Yay!
Do Zuzus really roam free here, or are they SMOOSHED?? I need to know.
Thank you for your input, Mrs. B. And I was wondering when that question would arise about Zuzuland. See, I'm the zuzsmoosher. I smoosh zuzus. My blog is zuzuland, where the zuzus roam freely. Think of it as a ranch. I raise the cattle, fatten them up, then smoosh them. Heehee first time i thought of an explanation for the name. Not bad huh?
In all honesty, the name is kinda there cuz of the inexplicable magnetism of the word zuzu. And because I, the zuzusmoosher, can at times be zuzuish.
Yeah, I agree. Not like I haven't seen violence among girls (hint, I have three sisters), but psychological torture is, well, torture.
Also, the term fisticuffs makes me laugh. I keep thinking of two British gentlemen daintily poking each other.
Oh, and I'm having trouble envisioning you getting into fist fights. Does it really happen that often...?
Not too often, but alot with my brother. I've exchanged a whcak or two on occasion but nothing serious.
I'd rather get in a fight with a boy for a few reasons.
1: When I fight with a boy, I can most of the time keep it more private than a fight with a girl, in which they oh so emotionally publicize it to all of their friends and thus their friends do the same and next thing you know it's international news.
2: I agree with your analysis that guys' fights have a shorter lifespan than girl fights.
3: When I fight with a guy, if it does come down to fistfights (which I've never actually done since I was 8 years old), I'd have a good shot at winning most of the time.
4: When I fight with a guy I can express all my views and opinions in a sophisticated and to-the-point manner, whereas with a girl I couldn't do that unless I wanted to send them away in tears.
5: Fighting with a girl is worse than fighting with a guy because it makes me as a boy feel like the evil one. Guys are supposed to be gentler and whatever, so when I argue with a girl and they go away crying it makes me feel so evil, even if I am right. Unlike when I fight with a guy... with a guy I can be a guy, to put it rather simply lol.
I think that it is easier to fight with a guy then a girl. Girls tend to "stew over" past offenses for longer, and they gossip more. Guys might explode, but they get over things alot faster. :)
I AGREE WITH AARON. GUYS ARE EASEIR TO FIGHT WITH. bUT aaron has a fighting lifestyle now soooo.....
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