Saturday, October 13, 2007

I Shall Return!

As you may have noticed, I haven't posted very much.

Please bear with me, I am still in the process of college application, I should be done soon and back up and blogging.

I don't really have time for a nice, juicy, interesting post as of yet, but I still have a little snippet for those of you who are so bored as to be reading this right now. Mrs. B. may find it interesting, I'm not so sure the rest of you will though. Today's karate class was really interesting. Actually, about five minutes of it were REALLY interesting, the rest was interesting but not the above-average stuff (knife defense, cool, but not the mind-boggling concepts that I find so intriguing). I'm having a hard time describing it, so I guess I'll sum it up by saying we were introduced to the concept of moving in ways the other person can't really see. Yes I know that doesn't make sense, I really still don't know squat about it myself. My karate instructor himself doesn't fully get it yet I think, although it's certain that he knows enough to use it. He described being first introduced to it when he was working with one of his old karate instructors. He said he worked four hours straight with the guy, and no matter what he did, he couldn't touch him. And the only movement he'd see was his foot turning and stuff like that. So obviously, he asked him how it was done and he had it explained to him, and today he suddenly surprised us with the same knowledge, which he condensed into five minutes.

Anyhow, right now my brain is reeling with this newfound difficult concept, making me feel again that getting my black belt will only mean that I'll begin to truly understand karate.

Sorry that this wasn't that great of a post, I really don't have time for anything better right now.

But, fret not thou faint-hearted! I shall return, with more new and interesting posts to boot!

Until then, hang in there.


jb said...

AAAAHHHHHHGGGGGGG!!!!!! That was incredibly interesting, ZuzuSMOOSHER. Tantalizing! I'm dying because I missed it. This is exactly why I can NEVER miss a karate class, because you never know when those five incredible minutes might happen. I was hopping here to Zuzuland to beg you to post about knife defenses and class today, and now I'm writhing in misery because I missed hearing about unseen movement!!!!! (Not that I think I'd be able to perform the unseen movement anyway, so probably if I had gone to class today I'd be posting about the extreme frustration of hearing about a cool technique and being unable to execute it.) Oh, well. My times are in His hands: I missed class today and it is well with my soul. It must be!

Zuzusmoosher said...

Lol, I was actually thinking, "Wow too bad Mrs. B. wasn't here to see this, she'd like it more than any of us." when Sensei all of a sudden started talking about it.

I have a feeling you already know the knife defenses (front lapel grab with knife to throat and rear grab with knife to throat), so I wouldn't worry too much about that. And although I can't say the same about those five minutes, there is the possibility you may already sort of know, just because I found it new and unusual doesn't mean you would. At any rate I should probably clarify the "unseen movement".

Sensei talked about his Sensei Jutnik (I forget the first name now), and how he would throw Sensei off balance when the only movement he saw was his foot turning. He described it as Sensei Jutnik having mastered muscle control to such a degree that he could move muscles that the other person couldn't see the visible effect of until after they threw their punch and completely missed.

He gave us a small 2-minute excercise to demonstrate: Start in ready position and move your left foot back slightly. Then, tense up your left calf muscle, then your left thigh, then your *ahem cough cough* "left butt cheek" (his words not mine!), then your *cough ahem cough cough* "right butt cheek" (again, those weren't my words!), then ur right thigh, then your right calf. He said to picture it as if you leg muscles were doing "the wave", from your left calf all the way to your right. The end effect is that you pivot into a narrow left forward position. It kinda took me a while to understand even HOW to tense up my muscles the right way.

After we played around with that for a bit, he showed us a practical example. He had Andrew punch him, and just by having tensed up his leg, his body shifted just enough for Andrew's punch to pass him harmlessly. How this is really done, I'm not sure. I'm still in the process of attempting to figure any of this out myself. It would be such an awesome tool if I could master it.

Anyway, there's a more in-depth explanation for you, might not be too helpful, but remember that I still don't really get it myself.

I still don't really understand how it works, or how to really get it to be so hard for the other person to see; I think the "unseenness" comes from parts of the body moving the body in ways the other person can't foresee.

Mind-boggling karate concepts at its best.

Zuzusmoosher said...

Wow that was almost longer than the original post lol.

Coop said...

lol it was ZuzuSmoosher. Very long comment. And do not fear, I am not yet fainted in heart. This last post was actually a lot more interesting than you mgiht think. I shall patiently and contently wait for another juicy post of yours. :)

jb said...

Yay! Thank you for explaining it so well. Thank you for making yourself use graphic terms *ahem cough cough you know what I mean* that you might not have otherwise used so that I could entirely know what Sensei said. SO COOL! I shall spend my day moving muscles in unseen ways.

Bravo to you!

jb said...

Nice "photo", btw. Before today I might have asked you exactly how you became "Sir" Zuzusmoosher, but now, after you have so marvellously elucidated the unseen movement technique I must admit that your knighting was entirely deserved. : )

Zuzusmoosher said...

Lol, the "Sir" is actually there because my character in Guild Wars is "Sir Zuzusmoosher", that pictuer was made in his honor.

Glad youcould make some use of the info back there, it's incomplete at best.

John said...

This is just dumb.

Zuzusmoosher said...


John said...

You Shall! you get into blogging post 14 posts then say you'll be back. thats whats dumb! :P

Zuzusmoosher said...

Oh, ya you little zuzu??? Maybe I have only 14 posts cuz my posts are nice and plump and juicy, not like your little old shrivelled & crusty ones! >:P

matt bradbury said...

wow looks like that was cool! I would love to try that. On cory. Lol JK ALL DA WAY!