Tuesday, October 2, 2007

No Ignoring My Posts!

I was on the verge of cooking up a nice, fat & juicy post for your minds to chew on and gain nourishment from.

Then I thought, "Hmmm, not everyone has read Reminiscence of a Departed Friend yet, and that's the best one! And how are they gonna be able to look at Guys vs. Girls and leave some input on it if they fill themselves up with a new post?"

So, I thought the better of a new juicy post and instead wrote this as a reminder to those of you who have not as of yet checked out the aforementioned posts.

Trust me when I say Reminiscence of a Departed Friend is worth the time it takes to read the hefty post, and also take my word for it that Guys vs. Girls will be very interesting once more opinions are shared. (Note the fact that there are THREE of each link, no excuses for not knowing where to look!)

But, as it wouldn't be fair to those faithful few who have both read Reminiscence of a Departed Friend and have shared their thoughts on Guys vs. Girls to completely not post anything new, I shall add in a little tidbit.

If random, utterly nonsensical stupidity makes you laugh, check out this Badger and this Llama music video (both will loop endlessly unless forcefully halted). And if you think you're capable of even more randomness and stupidity, watch The Evil Strawberry. If you haven't dropped dead by the stupidity of it all yet, check out my personal favorite, Forehead Shavecut (no it has nothing to do with foreheads or shaving). There is another even more random flash cartoon, but I refuse to put a link to it here as it has some mild swears in it. If you don't care too much and feel like wasting a literal half-hour of your time, ask me for the name and I'll give it to you. I've only watched that one once and it cracked me up (other than the swears), though I felt like I had wasted a ton of time.

And, again, if you have not already done so, obey my instructions and read/comment!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hmm. This sounds like a
"MAKE A DONATION NOW" newsletter.
Very good recruitment tactics. :)


Coop said...

I have obeyed your demands, now reward me with a new, juicy, tasty, fat post! :P