Here's that big, meaty, and juicy post I promised you. I think it's long overdue.
So, just by way of introduction to this soon-to-be-hefty post, three weeks ago my family took a small camping trip up in the White Mountains for a few days. It was just a time to relax and lie around, so we didn't do very much, but one thing we did do was check out this "Antique Book Store" that was right next to the campground. Book shopping and video game shopping are the only two times you will ever see me actually enjoying shopping, and this book shopping was no exception. I think I could have spent hours in that shop, just looking at the beautiful old books lined up on the shelf. I actually did spend hours in the shop, and got a book I've been looking for for a while (an old hardbound copy of all the Leatherstocking Tales, though that's a post for another day). So, since pretty much all of my family enjoyed the book shopping, we checked out another little book store nearby, where I got a two-volume copy of Charles Dickens' Nicholas Nickleby (I picked the book because I like Dickens' work and I figured a book with my name on the cover couldn't be too bad :D).
Ok, now to the meaty goodness of the post.
I should hope you've at least heard of Charles Dickens, though you should've read one of his books as well. So, under the assumption that you have not lacked a decent education in literature, I will merely say that he wrote classics that were both very popular when he wrote them and still are decently popular, considering their age. Why were his books so popular?
Well, to really understand that, you'd need to read his writing. Just make sure it's unabridged.
Dickens always writes with a certain sympathy for the common, downtrodden person, and usually always assumes such a person's viewpoint for his story. So, since most of us are common people, we can all sympathize with the character and go through their struggles as if they were our own.
But, for me at least, the best part of Dickens' writing isn't what he writes, it's how he writes.
When Dickens describes a character, he doesn't make the mistake of most other authors by giving a long, painstaking description of how they look, of what they like to do, of the way they think, and so forth. He does give some description, of course, but as to the person's character, he generally gives you a little hint as to what they're like, and then lets the way they behave in the story show you exactly what they're like.
And when it comes to the main character, he lets you know exactly what he's like to the point where it seems like you no longer are entering the main character's head, he's entering yours. Sounds strange when put like that, but really what I mean is you so fully sympathize and empathize with the character, that when you begin to react in the same way as the character to different situations that arise, you wonder whether it's because you always would have reacted like that, or because you're so fully bonded with the character that you feel his triumphs and despairs as keenly as if they were your own.
Dickens also tends to over-emphasize his characters' traits, stressing one aspect of their personality as much as possible. It would seem at first that this would be annoying, but in reality, it's so like real life, with each person having some unusual aspect to them, that the characters become very believeable and real. And it also adds a little humor to what would otherwise be a very dry character.
Speaking of humor, I think I found the genius version of my own.
Although I hate putting myself in any way, shape, or form on the same plane as a literary genius like Dickens, I have to say, at times his humor reminded me of something I'd add into a more humorous post. He injects a subtle sarcasm, a manner of stating something with perfect seriousness that you know isn't serious by the sheer ridiculousness of it, a way of indirectly stating word-for-word what the person said without actually quoting them, a tendency to have certain characters make fun of themselves or people outside the book in a subtle yet obvious way (by the way, the only one of those aspects listed above that I claim any tie to is the slight sarcasm). Dickens also likes to make up his own words to explain something in that one word that would either have taken much longer to explain or would never have added the same mildly sarcastic humor to the statment (a couple of my favorites are "...after much speechifying..." and " the accused man evilly, cruelly, dastardly, and otherwise evil-adverbiously deceive such-and-such a person...") I mean, how often are you going to read a 19th-century author using words that you'd usually make up when joking around with friends?
Good stuff.
So yeah, I finished that 999-page, two-volume hardbound copy of Nicholas Nickleby a couple weeks ago. Very good reading, although if you're reading Dickens for the first time I'd suggest A Tale of Two Cities first. It's shorter, more action-packed and just as excellently written (that book is actually how I found out I liked Dickens' work so much).
Thus, if you find yourself wondering what kind of book to read next, take my suggestion, grab one of Charles Dickens' books, it'll be worth it.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Your Eyes Do Not Decieve You...
What's this? What could it mean? Where did it come from? How did it get here?
Is it...Could it be...A post?!
Yes, it is! Oh the joy that floods within your soul as you gaze upon this long-lost treasure that has eluded you for so long! At last, after more than two long months, this wondrous item has resurfaced once more! You kick your reading into high gear, ready to swallow up whatever you can glean from it, before it too disappears into oblivion...
No, I don't actually think that you're really that excited. In fact, if you're reading this, I'd be surprised that you even bothered to check this blog anymore.
Anyway, where to begin, where to begin. Hmmmmmm. So many choices, so much bloggable goodness. So little time...
Ah, well, I suppose that I should probably give at least one reason for my absence...
So yeah, I've been very busy recently working on a cure for cancer.
No, I'm not joking. This is actually perfectly honest. Well, perfectly honest when you take into consideration that this isn't my cure for cancer, I'm working for the doctor working on this intended cure. But I still am working on a cure for cancer.
Yep. Remember that job I mentioned earlier, about working in a research lab in the summer? Well, now it's summer, and now I'm working in the lab. Every day since Monday, I've been waking up around 6:45, driving to the train station at Sullivan Square, and riding the train to the research lab at Brigham and Women's Hospital so that I can get there by 9:00 and leave around six.
Guess how much I make every day? Somewhere around -$10.00 a day.
Yes, that's a negative sign. I have no experience in lab work, and only a high school education, so it would be near impossible to get a paying job like this right now. So, what with parking and train tickets and gas, I end up losing more than $10 every day. But, on the plus side, I'm learning tons (I already filled up 11 pages of notes in my four days there!). And I'm also learning how much I like the medical field. I'm actually enjoying all the time and money I'm putting into it. I see it kinda like a free summer course. I'm learning more than I could have had I signed up for a normal summer course, and I'm getting job experience to boot, which will look great for medical school and will help me land a paying job in the near future.
However, in the process, I'm waking up really early and coming home around 7 or 8. Not too fun, and that leaves me with almost no time.
So, sorry about that rambling, somewhat aimless and rather self-centered post. But I gotta start somewhere, y'know.
Big, meaty, and juicy post in the works.
What's this? What could it mean? Where did it come from? How did it get here?
Is it...Could it be...A post?!
Yes, it is! Oh the joy that floods within your soul as you gaze upon this long-lost treasure that has eluded you for so long! At last, after more than two long months, this wondrous item has resurfaced once more! You kick your reading into high gear, ready to swallow up whatever you can glean from it, before it too disappears into oblivion...
No, I don't actually think that you're really that excited. In fact, if you're reading this, I'd be surprised that you even bothered to check this blog anymore.
Anyway, where to begin, where to begin. Hmmmmmm. So many choices, so much bloggable goodness. So little time...
Ah, well, I suppose that I should probably give at least one reason for my absence...
So yeah, I've been very busy recently working on a cure for cancer.
No, I'm not joking. This is actually perfectly honest. Well, perfectly honest when you take into consideration that this isn't my cure for cancer, I'm working for the doctor working on this intended cure. But I still am working on a cure for cancer.
Yep. Remember that job I mentioned earlier, about working in a research lab in the summer? Well, now it's summer, and now I'm working in the lab. Every day since Monday, I've been waking up around 6:45, driving to the train station at Sullivan Square, and riding the train to the research lab at Brigham and Women's Hospital so that I can get there by 9:00 and leave around six.
Guess how much I make every day? Somewhere around -$10.00 a day.
Yes, that's a negative sign. I have no experience in lab work, and only a high school education, so it would be near impossible to get a paying job like this right now. So, what with parking and train tickets and gas, I end up losing more than $10 every day. But, on the plus side, I'm learning tons (I already filled up 11 pages of notes in my four days there!). And I'm also learning how much I like the medical field. I'm actually enjoying all the time and money I'm putting into it. I see it kinda like a free summer course. I'm learning more than I could have had I signed up for a normal summer course, and I'm getting job experience to boot, which will look great for medical school and will help me land a paying job in the near future.
However, in the process, I'm waking up really early and coming home around 7 or 8. Not too fun, and that leaves me with almost no time.
So, sorry about that rambling, somewhat aimless and rather self-centered post. But I gotta start somewhere, y'know.
Big, meaty, and juicy post in the works.
Monday, April 21, 2008
I'm Back Again! Now Bye!
Yes, I've been gone.
Yes, I've apologized many times about being gone without doing anything about it.
Yes, I have excuses.
Yes, I'm going away again.
I haven't had any time for blogging whatsoever, what with a Calculus AP test coming in three Wednesdays, a violin piece to nail down before our school's French Café night, two plays to nail down for the same, a drama performance following that, a choral performance on the same night, and fundraisers every weekend for my class's senior trip.
Speaking of which, I'll be gone tomorrow at 2 pm and on my way to sunny California, not to return until late next Wednesday night.
Which means I'll only have a day and a half to nail down the violin piece and the two plays for French Café. Only four days after that to finish reviewing for the Calculus AP exam (a lot rides on my doing well on this test: if i get a high enough grade, I don't have to take the course in college). Only a week or two after that for Fine Arts night. And then I graduate, have the month of June off, and start work in Boston on July 1st, go on a missionary trip to Nova Scotia on the 2nd week of July, come back and work, and, come the end of August, start college.
If you see very much of me on this blog, savor it, cuz it'll be a rare ocurrance.
Sorry 'bout that.
Yes, I've apologized many times about being gone without doing anything about it.
Yes, I have excuses.
Yes, I'm going away again.
I haven't had any time for blogging whatsoever, what with a Calculus AP test coming in three Wednesdays, a violin piece to nail down before our school's French Café night, two plays to nail down for the same, a drama performance following that, a choral performance on the same night, and fundraisers every weekend for my class's senior trip.
Speaking of which, I'll be gone tomorrow at 2 pm and on my way to sunny California, not to return until late next Wednesday night.
Which means I'll only have a day and a half to nail down the violin piece and the two plays for French Café. Only four days after that to finish reviewing for the Calculus AP exam (a lot rides on my doing well on this test: if i get a high enough grade, I don't have to take the course in college). Only a week or two after that for Fine Arts night. And then I graduate, have the month of June off, and start work in Boston on July 1st, go on a missionary trip to Nova Scotia on the 2nd week of July, come back and work, and, come the end of August, start college.
If you see very much of me on this blog, savor it, cuz it'll be a rare ocurrance.
Sorry 'bout that.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Just a somewhat late update on some important events for me.
Last Friday, I got the two things I've been wanting (and at times felt like I was needing) for a long, long time. Two things that open up worlds of new freedom--Driver's license and a cell phone.
So yes, I am quite happy right now.
And I'm cured of my stomach sickness, so I'm even happier.
Last Friday, I got the two things I've been wanting (and at times felt like I was needing) for a long, long time. Two things that open up worlds of new freedom--Driver's license and a cell phone.
So yes, I am quite happy right now.
And I'm cured of my stomach sickness, so I'm even happier.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Sigh, Gasp, Moan, Groan
Finally able to make it to school today after having the stomach bug from Sunday night to yesterday.
Missed homework waiting for me. Test tomorrow on notes I only caught up on today. Stomach still kinda queasy.
Despair...hopelessness...utter loss............not really, but still.
So, though I want to post, all you're getting is:
Missed homework waiting for me. Test tomorrow on notes I only caught up on today. Stomach still kinda queasy.
Despair...hopelessness...utter loss............not really, but still.
So, though I want to post, all you're getting is:
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I'm Baaaaaaack!
I know what you're thinking. This is a post written to apologize for not posting enough, something I apologized for in my last apologetic post.
Well, I can't blame you for thinking that, what with the title and the fact that I haven't posted for a while and all; but in fact, I don't really feel the need to apologize for not posting.
*Gasp* you say? How could I be so callous and un-remorseful after repeating the offense, you ask? Why did I take the time to apologize before for the same thing, whilst now I brush it off like I did absolutely nothing wrong, you wonder?
Because, in all honesty, the only thing I should apologize for is not warning you about my going to Washington D.C. for a class trip last week.
Phew, I haven't seared my blogging conscience yet.
So yes, I was gone from Thursday 1 o'clock PM to Monday 10 o'clock PM on a quite enjoyable class trip to first Philadelphia and then our great nation's capital. Good stuff. Before you start getting angry with me as you realize that I didn't warn you about such an event interrupting my intended resurgence in blogging, let me offer the excuse that I had every intention of doing so. However, on Wednesday, I caught strep throat, which complicated things, and sapped any time I had that could have gone to a short 2 minute post of notification.
Yes, I got strep throat. Not what you want to get the night before you leave on a class trip. Not that you ever want to get it, but right then was a really bad time. I knew I was starting something that day in school, and as it kept getting worse, I could tell right away it was strep (remember one of my excuses for previous absence? I had had strep throat, and that was only three weeks before I had gotten it on Wednesday, so the feeling was still fresh in my head.) Anyhow, I knew I needed to get an appointment so I could get antibiotics before the trip, otherwise there was no way I was going to be able to go. Problem was, our doctor's office had no openings before the intended journey. So we had to get an appointment with a similar office in Burlington, which took up a lot of time to get to. Anyway, we got there and I got the meds, and since strep throat stops being contagious after 24 hours on the antibiotics, I was good to go. Six or seven hours of germs wasn't going to kill anyone on the trip (don't worry, none of them caught it). So I got to enjoy cramming myself in with the 13 other people and luggage in a 15-passenger van, and getting to see Washington D.C. (I've seen it before, but not as much of it). Good trip. Lotsa stuff happened, enough that I don't feel like writing it all down, but suffice it to say things were never boring.
Anyway, I've got homework to do. Too lazy to upload pictures from my camera, you'll have to wait 'til later for those.
I have returned!
Even though you didn't know I was gone!
Well, I can't blame you for thinking that, what with the title and the fact that I haven't posted for a while and all; but in fact, I don't really feel the need to apologize for not posting.
*Gasp* you say? How could I be so callous and un-remorseful after repeating the offense, you ask? Why did I take the time to apologize before for the same thing, whilst now I brush it off like I did absolutely nothing wrong, you wonder?
Because, in all honesty, the only thing I should apologize for is not warning you about my going to Washington D.C. for a class trip last week.
Phew, I haven't seared my blogging conscience yet.
So yes, I was gone from Thursday 1 o'clock PM to Monday 10 o'clock PM on a quite enjoyable class trip to first Philadelphia and then our great nation's capital. Good stuff. Before you start getting angry with me as you realize that I didn't warn you about such an event interrupting my intended resurgence in blogging, let me offer the excuse that I had every intention of doing so. However, on Wednesday, I caught strep throat, which complicated things, and sapped any time I had that could have gone to a short 2 minute post of notification.
Yes, I got strep throat. Not what you want to get the night before you leave on a class trip. Not that you ever want to get it, but right then was a really bad time. I knew I was starting something that day in school, and as it kept getting worse, I could tell right away it was strep (remember one of my excuses for previous absence? I had had strep throat, and that was only three weeks before I had gotten it on Wednesday, so the feeling was still fresh in my head.) Anyhow, I knew I needed to get an appointment so I could get antibiotics before the trip, otherwise there was no way I was going to be able to go. Problem was, our doctor's office had no openings before the intended journey. So we had to get an appointment with a similar office in Burlington, which took up a lot of time to get to. Anyway, we got there and I got the meds, and since strep throat stops being contagious after 24 hours on the antibiotics, I was good to go. Six or seven hours of germs wasn't going to kill anyone on the trip (don't worry, none of them caught it). So I got to enjoy cramming myself in with the 13 other people and luggage in a 15-passenger van, and getting to see Washington D.C. (I've seen it before, but not as much of it). Good trip. Lotsa stuff happened, enough that I don't feel like writing it all down, but suffice it to say things were never boring.
Anyway, I've got homework to do. Too lazy to upload pictures from my camera, you'll have to wait 'til later for those.
I have returned!
Even though you didn't know I was gone!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Guys Vs. Girls 2
Gym class at school ranks way down there on my list of non-academic classes at school.
It's not that I don't like exercising. Trust me, I would have quit karate long ago were that true. And, although I'm not crazy about sports, I do enjoy playing them enough for that not to be a factor in my disliking of P.E. My school just seems to find ways to make gym class incredibly dumb, such as "capture the flag", which sounds fun until you realize that our version has 50 kids on a soccer field for a playing zone. Very, very stupid. Things like that are profusely infused into our P.E., and serve to make said class quite unpopular.
Thus, a fun, interesting gym class is a rare gem buried in a pile of junk.
So a few weeks of fun gym classes has felt really, really good.
I stink at soccer, but I'm capable of playing defense well enough to make it fun. So soccer is always nice to have. With snow on the ground, though, you can't exactly play outside on the field. So, we use the gymnasium instead (basically, a basketball court with a little extra space). For the last two weeks, we've set it up using lunch tables as goals (as an encouragement to keep the ball low) and would swap out having all the guys out or all the girls. Good stuff, especially when we guys sort it out so we only have six on the court at one time. Very fun, actually; gym floors and low, narrow goals make things interesting. And it's nice to have periods of rest in between intense games (when the girls play).
Anyway, all this to get to the point.
When the guys are out playing soccer, everyone, excepting two or three, get really into it, and at least make some effort to run after the ball and try to score/defend our goal and whatnot. While watching the girls play, however, you find only a handful who run, who try hard to score, who do more than stand around and wait for the ball to come near them for them to try to kick it.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not insinuating in any way, shape, or form that girls can't play sports or are lazy or are inferior to guys. I know plenty of girls that could cream me in any sport. The only thing I'm saying is that most of the girls in the gym class were not trying as hard as the guys were. In fact, half of them were purposely sitting out and talking. Besides three or four that ran around after the ball and actually tried to score or defend their goal, the others would just stand around, occasionally jogging a few feet here or there when the ball came near them, unleash a kick, then stroll along back to where they were standing with their friends and giggle while they continued the conversation they were having with their friends before the ball entered their general proximity. Thus, it was more like watching pinball. The ball gets launched from somewhere, it bounces off a pin, then another pin, then another, and somehow doesn't seem to go very far.
I was sitting there watching this amusing sight, wondering why it was that the girls seemed to not try at soccer. I knew most of them were better than me in sports like basketball or volleyball, so athletic ability wasn't really a factor. It just seemed like they didn't care. They just didn't really care whether they won or lost. We guys were working our heads off, being tied at 0 to 0 for almost the whole game, until the other team finally scored a goal at the end (yeah, we lost, but 1-0 was actually WAY better than I thought we'd do. Their team was stacked with some of the best guys on the soccer team, and I was hastily made captain of a rag-tag bunch who were all of an average skill level. We played hard to make sure they didn't cream us, and I'm proud of it). The girls just didn't care, they almost didn't even consider it a game, just something to do to pass the time, it seemed. And, as I thought about it, why should anyone care? It was just an activity we all had to do, it wasn't like we were playing another school and trying to make our school look good by winning, we were just all out there doing what we were told to do.
The only difference was the guys just had the desire to win, to be the best, while the girls didn't care, as it didn't really matter anyway.
So, upon pondering such a pondering, I pondered a little more, and my pondering led me to think beyond the soccer game taking place before me. (oooo, dramatic sentence, :D)
I think, for the most part, guys are just way more competitive than girls. Again, notice I said for the most part and please note that I know many competitive girls. Guys just always want to be the best, no matter what it is. Thus, guys have a bigger ego, thus they don't submit to leadership as easily as girls do, thus they do their own thing more, etc. (e.g.--Who gets in trouble more at school? Girls or guys? And even though part of that at my school is due to sexism (trust me, lol), I will admit guys break more rules than girls do). Guys don't like feeling inferior, even if they are. That's honestly one of the reasons why I like going to Saturday morning karate classes as opposed to the Monday night ones: there are less people there of a higher rank/higher skill level than me. This hatred of inferiority makes us want to win, makes us not like to have to have someone governing us, makes us not want to have to have someone else's help for something, makes us more independent.
Girls seem to lack this competitiveness, for the most part. True, everyone likes being the best, but we guys just take it to the next level. Girls like having people they can tell their thoughts and feelings to, and thus have closer friendships, because they don't care if they need someone else's help. They don't rebel against the rules as much (but they still do it plenty) because they don't feel inferior, or at least don't care. Basically, they have a smaller ego. Which is a good thing, obviously, although it results in less drive to become the best, and less independence. Thus, less effort in a soccer game whose only reward is the satisfaction of winning.
So then, after expostulating this wondrously basic, and yet somehow not often thought of, thought, I decided that it would make good blog material. And, as I did in my first Guys Vs. Girls post, I am now asking you, the general masses, to further expostulate on said thought. Do you agree with my thought, or am I hopelessly confused/utterly wrong?
Impart some of your collective wisdom unto me.
(And before I get any nasty comments, let me again take the time to re-specify that this post is not in any way, shape, or form, meant to demean females/make guys look good, nor do I assert that this is true for everyone--I already know of some exceptions. This is only meant as a general thought which has seemed to be true)
Alright, after that disclaimer, comment away!
It's not that I don't like exercising. Trust me, I would have quit karate long ago were that true. And, although I'm not crazy about sports, I do enjoy playing them enough for that not to be a factor in my disliking of P.E. My school just seems to find ways to make gym class incredibly dumb, such as "capture the flag", which sounds fun until you realize that our version has 50 kids on a soccer field for a playing zone. Very, very stupid. Things like that are profusely infused into our P.E., and serve to make said class quite unpopular.
Thus, a fun, interesting gym class is a rare gem buried in a pile of junk.
So a few weeks of fun gym classes has felt really, really good.
I stink at soccer, but I'm capable of playing defense well enough to make it fun. So soccer is always nice to have. With snow on the ground, though, you can't exactly play outside on the field. So, we use the gymnasium instead (basically, a basketball court with a little extra space). For the last two weeks, we've set it up using lunch tables as goals (as an encouragement to keep the ball low) and would swap out having all the guys out or all the girls. Good stuff, especially when we guys sort it out so we only have six on the court at one time. Very fun, actually; gym floors and low, narrow goals make things interesting. And it's nice to have periods of rest in between intense games (when the girls play).
Anyway, all this to get to the point.
When the guys are out playing soccer, everyone, excepting two or three, get really into it, and at least make some effort to run after the ball and try to score/defend our goal and whatnot. While watching the girls play, however, you find only a handful who run, who try hard to score, who do more than stand around and wait for the ball to come near them for them to try to kick it.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not insinuating in any way, shape, or form that girls can't play sports or are lazy or are inferior to guys. I know plenty of girls that could cream me in any sport. The only thing I'm saying is that most of the girls in the gym class were not trying as hard as the guys were. In fact, half of them were purposely sitting out and talking. Besides three or four that ran around after the ball and actually tried to score or defend their goal, the others would just stand around, occasionally jogging a few feet here or there when the ball came near them, unleash a kick, then stroll along back to where they were standing with their friends and giggle while they continued the conversation they were having with their friends before the ball entered their general proximity. Thus, it was more like watching pinball. The ball gets launched from somewhere, it bounces off a pin, then another pin, then another, and somehow doesn't seem to go very far.
I was sitting there watching this amusing sight, wondering why it was that the girls seemed to not try at soccer. I knew most of them were better than me in sports like basketball or volleyball, so athletic ability wasn't really a factor. It just seemed like they didn't care. They just didn't really care whether they won or lost. We guys were working our heads off, being tied at 0 to 0 for almost the whole game, until the other team finally scored a goal at the end (yeah, we lost, but 1-0 was actually WAY better than I thought we'd do. Their team was stacked with some of the best guys on the soccer team, and I was hastily made captain of a rag-tag bunch who were all of an average skill level. We played hard to make sure they didn't cream us, and I'm proud of it). The girls just didn't care, they almost didn't even consider it a game, just something to do to pass the time, it seemed. And, as I thought about it, why should anyone care? It was just an activity we all had to do, it wasn't like we were playing another school and trying to make our school look good by winning, we were just all out there doing what we were told to do.
The only difference was the guys just had the desire to win, to be the best, while the girls didn't care, as it didn't really matter anyway.
So, upon pondering such a pondering, I pondered a little more, and my pondering led me to think beyond the soccer game taking place before me. (oooo, dramatic sentence, :D)
I think, for the most part, guys are just way more competitive than girls. Again, notice I said for the most part and please note that I know many competitive girls. Guys just always want to be the best, no matter what it is. Thus, guys have a bigger ego, thus they don't submit to leadership as easily as girls do, thus they do their own thing more, etc. (e.g.--Who gets in trouble more at school? Girls or guys? And even though part of that at my school is due to sexism (trust me, lol), I will admit guys break more rules than girls do). Guys don't like feeling inferior, even if they are. That's honestly one of the reasons why I like going to Saturday morning karate classes as opposed to the Monday night ones: there are less people there of a higher rank/higher skill level than me. This hatred of inferiority makes us want to win, makes us not like to have to have someone governing us, makes us not want to have to have someone else's help for something, makes us more independent.
Girls seem to lack this competitiveness, for the most part. True, everyone likes being the best, but we guys just take it to the next level. Girls like having people they can tell their thoughts and feelings to, and thus have closer friendships, because they don't care if they need someone else's help. They don't rebel against the rules as much (but they still do it plenty) because they don't feel inferior, or at least don't care. Basically, they have a smaller ego. Which is a good thing, obviously, although it results in less drive to become the best, and less independence. Thus, less effort in a soccer game whose only reward is the satisfaction of winning.
So then, after expostulating this wondrously basic, and yet somehow not often thought of, thought, I decided that it would make good blog material. And, as I did in my first Guys Vs. Girls post, I am now asking you, the general masses, to further expostulate on said thought. Do you agree with my thought, or am I hopelessly confused/utterly wrong?
Impart some of your collective wisdom unto me.
(And before I get any nasty comments, let me again take the time to re-specify that this post is not in any way, shape, or form, meant to demean females/make guys look good, nor do I assert that this is true for everyone--I already know of some exceptions. This is only meant as a general thought which has seemed to be true)
Alright, after that disclaimer, comment away!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
To Enjoy or Not to Enjoy?
Methinks Shakespeare stinketh not, as I heretofore thought.
If, perchance, a small while ago, thou hadst asked of me what I thought of said renowned bard, I doubt, forsooth, that I wouldst have given mine approval. Shakespeare hath not much pleased me, nor have I enjoyed the learning of his plays. His dramas have always seemed dramatic overmuch, and his comedies have not touched upon my humor. If 'twere not enough, all his plays are scribed in "ye olde English", with nary so much as a footnote hither and thither to guide thee along the path. 'Tis not much unclear, methinks, wherefore I have not quite found his plays to be of that enjoyable mold, and have rather regarded them with somewhat of disdain.
However, I find Shakespeare groweth on my taste.
Nay, I should specify the aforementioned statement. I find not Shakespeare's Hamlet to be of unenjoyable quality, in sooth, I am finding that I, verily, enjoy it. Verily. Take not this statement in a light manner. As afore remarked, I have been one of the many, I daresay, who findeth not Shakespeare to their liking. Yet, as I read through Hamlet in mine English Literature class, I discover that, perhaps, I have been wrong about how Shakespeare stinketh. Hamlet seemeth to contain a vast horde of insight into the human mind. A exceedingly vast trove of insight, such that as I read I find mine own wonderings and doubts spoken by the characters. A remarkable feeling, mind you, to find thine own thoughts written by another. Such insight I have found in no other place, excepting the Bible. If such wondrous knowledge were not enough, the book hath managed to hold my interest with its surprising suspense, a feat that, were I remembering correctly, no other Shakespearean play hath managed to perform. Ergo, Shakespeare hath redeemed himself by his writing such an impressive work.
Verily, this post hath not been overly facile to compose. My speculation saith that 'twill not be easily read, either.
But, forsooth, this exercise in "ye olde English" hath been quite entertaining.
If, perchance, a small while ago, thou hadst asked of me what I thought of said renowned bard, I doubt, forsooth, that I wouldst have given mine approval. Shakespeare hath not much pleased me, nor have I enjoyed the learning of his plays. His dramas have always seemed dramatic overmuch, and his comedies have not touched upon my humor. If 'twere not enough, all his plays are scribed in "ye olde English", with nary so much as a footnote hither and thither to guide thee along the path. 'Tis not much unclear, methinks, wherefore I have not quite found his plays to be of that enjoyable mold, and have rather regarded them with somewhat of disdain.
However, I find Shakespeare groweth on my taste.
Nay, I should specify the aforementioned statement. I find not Shakespeare's Hamlet to be of unenjoyable quality, in sooth, I am finding that I, verily, enjoy it. Verily. Take not this statement in a light manner. As afore remarked, I have been one of the many, I daresay, who findeth not Shakespeare to their liking. Yet, as I read through Hamlet in mine English Literature class, I discover that, perhaps, I have been wrong about how Shakespeare stinketh. Hamlet seemeth to contain a vast horde of insight into the human mind. A exceedingly vast trove of insight, such that as I read I find mine own wonderings and doubts spoken by the characters. A remarkable feeling, mind you, to find thine own thoughts written by another. Such insight I have found in no other place, excepting the Bible. If such wondrous knowledge were not enough, the book hath managed to hold my interest with its surprising suspense, a feat that, were I remembering correctly, no other Shakespearean play hath managed to perform. Ergo, Shakespeare hath redeemed himself by his writing such an impressive work.
Verily, this post hath not been overly facile to compose. My speculation saith that 'twill not be easily read, either.
But, forsooth, this exercise in "ye olde English" hath been quite entertaining.
Monday, March 3, 2008
My mind is swimming with thoughts that want to be written down.
Unfortunately, I have neither the time nor the will to write all of them, at least not yet, so you'll have to settle for a paltry few.
1) w00t!!!! UMass Lowell accepted me and gave me the Commonwealth Scholarship, which covers all tuition and fees and even pays an allowance of up to 2000 bucks to cover living and commuting expenses. I seriously doubt I'm going anywhere else for my higher education after the Lord provided this.
2)I need to learn how to stop procrastinating. Shoulda had my license by now. Should learn how to get homework assigned earlier than a day before it's due done, would make life much easier.
3)Need to get homework done earlier so I can make it out to Karate more. Made it last Wednesday because there was no prayer meeting, but that's been my last time. Not good. I'll never get my black belt at this rate. Grrrr, but I WILL, even if it wasn't as soon as I hoped.
4)I need to practice kaatas more. Last Wednesday was a great refresher for Cat 3, so at least that's nice and fresh in my head. Unfortunately, Cat 1 and 2 are rusty, Circle of the Tiger lacks the energy and confidence I could do it with (peaked before my third-degree brown belt test, heehee), and I'm not adding in the little details of the Pinans that come as you advance. And Statue of the Crane? Heh, I remember the beginning, and I'll remember the whole thing after seeing it one more time, but right now, even practicing it is impossible. Grrrrr-sigh<----(combo of frustration and determination mixed into one exclamation of remorse) In my defense, kaatas were forgotten during the period of time with college applications and summer job e-mailing and school exams and whatnot.
Did I ever mention that I did get that job working in Boston with a doctor doing research on osteoporosis cures? And that it pays absolutely zip, while requiring that I get my rear end over to Boston whilst shelling out dough for fuel for said journey? Thus creating a situation where I lose money but gain experience and education, thus making said money-draining job worthwhile? Considering the fact it will land me a similar, paying job in the future, and help me get accepted into medical school? 'Cause if I forgot to mention all that, I just mentioned it now.
5)I love it when people ask me if I'm counting down the days until I graduate. My response? I'm in no rush to grow up. Reaction to said response varies. Old 'n' crusty middle-aged people seem to think that's smart, young 'n' green people either feel the same way or think I'm crazy. Usually they think I'm crazy.
6)Need to learn how to sleep. Seriously. I stink at it. I get into sleep habits way too easily and can't break out of them no matter how tired I am. Should probably start thinking of hitting the sack soon, but I'm not even on the verge of sleepiness....
7)I need to learn how to stop thinking and start doing. Too often I plan or dream or imagine, but don't follow through. Not the way to get through life, I venture to say.
8)I should review the definition of "A paltry few". Eight thoughts just doesn't quite seem too paltry to me, though I do have much more stashed in the ol' noggin that are just itching to be expressed in writing. Look for a few more posts, each on a bigger thought.
Unfortunately, I have neither the time nor the will to write all of them, at least not yet, so you'll have to settle for a paltry few.
1) w00t!!!! UMass Lowell accepted me and gave me the Commonwealth Scholarship, which covers all tuition and fees and even pays an allowance of up to 2000 bucks to cover living and commuting expenses. I seriously doubt I'm going anywhere else for my higher education after the Lord provided this.
2)I need to learn how to stop procrastinating. Shoulda had my license by now. Should learn how to get homework assigned earlier than a day before it's due done, would make life much easier.
3)Need to get homework done earlier so I can make it out to Karate more. Made it last Wednesday because there was no prayer meeting, but that's been my last time. Not good. I'll never get my black belt at this rate. Grrrr, but I WILL, even if it wasn't as soon as I hoped.
4)I need to practice kaatas more. Last Wednesday was a great refresher for Cat 3, so at least that's nice and fresh in my head. Unfortunately, Cat 1 and 2 are rusty, Circle of the Tiger lacks the energy and confidence I could do it with (peaked before my third-degree brown belt test, heehee), and I'm not adding in the little details of the Pinans that come as you advance. And Statue of the Crane? Heh, I remember the beginning, and I'll remember the whole thing after seeing it one more time, but right now, even practicing it is impossible. Grrrrr-sigh<----(combo of frustration and determination mixed into one exclamation of remorse) In my defense, kaatas were forgotten during the period of time with college applications and summer job e-mailing and school exams and whatnot.
Did I ever mention that I did get that job working in Boston with a doctor doing research on osteoporosis cures? And that it pays absolutely zip, while requiring that I get my rear end over to Boston whilst shelling out dough for fuel for said journey? Thus creating a situation where I lose money but gain experience and education, thus making said money-draining job worthwhile? Considering the fact it will land me a similar, paying job in the future, and help me get accepted into medical school? 'Cause if I forgot to mention all that, I just mentioned it now.
5)I love it when people ask me if I'm counting down the days until I graduate. My response? I'm in no rush to grow up. Reaction to said response varies. Old 'n' crusty middle-aged people seem to think that's smart, young 'n' green people either feel the same way or think I'm crazy. Usually they think I'm crazy.
6)Need to learn how to sleep. Seriously. I stink at it. I get into sleep habits way too easily and can't break out of them no matter how tired I am. Should probably start thinking of hitting the sack soon, but I'm not even on the verge of sleepiness....
7)I need to learn how to stop thinking and start doing. Too often I plan or dream or imagine, but don't follow through. Not the way to get through life, I venture to say.
8)I should review the definition of "A paltry few". Eight thoughts just doesn't quite seem too paltry to me, though I do have much more stashed in the ol' noggin that are just itching to be expressed in writing. Look for a few more posts, each on a bigger thought.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Excused Absence?
It seems like half my posts are apologies for not posting.
Well, I apologize for that, but this post is an apology as well.
So, I apologize. Not that I'm alone in my misdeeds. (*cough*ericjohnchristineaaron*cough*)
If you were wondering what's kept me away from the oh-so-beloved blogging community, I'll take the time now to expound upon them. If you weren't, it doesn't matter because I'm gonna expound upon them anyway.
Excuse #1: Biohazardous Basement
No, this excuse is not a joke. Our basement apparently contains high levels of radioactive, cancer-causing radon gas (Ra on the periodic table--heh, haven't forgotten my Chemistry lessons yet). When we bought this house, the owners told us that when they did the radon test, the results came back fine, but then when other people did the same test, they got results that showed the presence of dangerous levels of said radon gas. Well, we were more concerned about getting the house than worrying about conflicting results, so we overlooked it. So we bought the house, put the computers in the basement, and didn't pay much thought to it (at least I didn't--I hear that my parents wanted to test it right away but never got around to it). Well, a week or two ago, my mom decides she wants to check up on the radon, considering we were never sure about it. And guess what. High levels of radon gas. More than a year after we buy the house, and play computer down in the basement, we find out it's unhealthy. Great. However, from what I understand, a year isn't enough to pose a serious health threat. It's not good, but it doesn't mean I'm getting cancer now. And yes, I'm in the basement right now typing this, although my mom doesn't like it now that we know. She's been stopping me from going down as much as she can. Thus, blogging has been non-existent.
Excuse #2--Illness
What would a list of excuses be without the classic, "I was sick."?
It's true. I started what I thought was just a bad cold two Wednesday's ago, which got worse before it almost disappeared on Saturday. Then it got worse again. In fact, it became strep throat. So until last Thursday, I was sicker than I've been in a while. Which stunk, considering it was a school vacation. My sickness led me to invest more time playing on my Nintendo Wii, which leads me to my next excuse.
Excuse #3--Conflict of Interest
I know, I know. What could possibly be more important than blogging?
Well, sorry, but I know one thing, at least, that is.
I recently got back into playing the latest installment of what I consider the greatest video game series of all time. For some, The Legend of Zelda may mean nothing to you, but those who have played it will agree that it is an awesome, awesome game. I mean, it's awesome. Listen, I've played plenty of video games, many of them considered great games by almost everyone. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, however, has got to be one of the best. I know, it has a kinda girlie name. But trust me, it's definitely worth playing. Heh, it's worth buying a Gamecube or Wii to play this game, seriously. Even if you don't play/like video games, you'll like this one. My mom and my sisters want me to tell them when I play, because they consider it to be like watching a movie, only this one has an uncertain outcome, and the main character is figuring it out as they go along.
Y'know, I think I might as well add some beefiness to this post, considering my long absence.
"What makes the game so good? And why would I like it if I don't like video games?", you may well ask.
What makes this game so good is hard to put simply. It's something that needs to be experienced for one to fully understand and appreciate why it's so good. But I think the fundamental aspect of its goodness is its ability to make the player feel as if they're Link, the main character of the series. Not only do you feel as if you are the main character, but the depth of the gameplay immerses you in the video-game world of Hyrule.
How does this game accomplish more than what many video games, books, and movies do?
Hard to say. Maybe it's the storyline? Maybe it's because of the satisfaction you get of actually being the hero? Being a hero who's always doing good, squashing evil, and doing it all in a noble fashion? Maybe it's just that I like that kind of storyline, like being the hero, like doing good and squashing evil in a noble fashion.
Not sure, to be honest with you. I have a feeling, though, it's the little details that do it. The fact that everyone in the game calls you by the name you put in as your own. The freedom you have to do little side-quests in between the challenging dungeons (, I dunno how to put this...levels, I guess, filled with little puzzles and traps before you get to the "boss", a huge, hard-to-beat enemy at the end). The way that even the most insignificant character you meet in town has a personality that is evident despite the fact that none of the conversations have any voice, it's all written in a text box.
Lemme sidetrack a bit to explain that last point. Actually, I'll just give an example. You walk into Castle Town, the largest town in the game, and, after talking with a few random passer-by, hear about this tent on the eastern thoroughfare with something new. The people you talk to don't seem to know what it is, though some seem a litrle suspicious. You decide to check it out, and upon finding the tent, walk in. A brief cinematic plays, in which you walk into the dark tent to be greeted by a slick-looking guy in a robin-hood like costume with a gameshow-host smile under a spotlight. With dramatic gestures and enthusiastic expressions on his face, he explains that this is a game, which, although it costs money to play, promises amazing prizes for the winner. After you have the rules explained to you and you pay the fee, the man wishes you good luck, but you catch a little snicker after his well-wishing (This probably isn't making sense to you, considering I said that there isn't any talking. Let me give you an example of what you'd see in the text box.)
Well, I apologize for that, but this post is an apology as well.
So, I apologize. Not that I'm alone in my misdeeds. (*cough*ericjohnchristineaaron*cough*)
If you were wondering what's kept me away from the oh-so-beloved blogging community, I'll take the time now to expound upon them. If you weren't, it doesn't matter because I'm gonna expound upon them anyway.
Excuse #1: Biohazardous Basement
No, this excuse is not a joke. Our basement apparently contains high levels of radioactive, cancer-causing radon gas (Ra on the periodic table--heh, haven't forgotten my Chemistry lessons yet). When we bought this house, the owners told us that when they did the radon test, the results came back fine, but then when other people did the same test, they got results that showed the presence of dangerous levels of said radon gas. Well, we were more concerned about getting the house than worrying about conflicting results, so we overlooked it. So we bought the house, put the computers in the basement, and didn't pay much thought to it (at least I didn't--I hear that my parents wanted to test it right away but never got around to it). Well, a week or two ago, my mom decides she wants to check up on the radon, considering we were never sure about it. And guess what. High levels of radon gas. More than a year after we buy the house, and play computer down in the basement, we find out it's unhealthy. Great. However, from what I understand, a year isn't enough to pose a serious health threat. It's not good, but it doesn't mean I'm getting cancer now. And yes, I'm in the basement right now typing this, although my mom doesn't like it now that we know. She's been stopping me from going down as much as she can. Thus, blogging has been non-existent.
Excuse #2--Illness
What would a list of excuses be without the classic, "I was sick."?
It's true. I started what I thought was just a bad cold two Wednesday's ago, which got worse before it almost disappeared on Saturday. Then it got worse again. In fact, it became strep throat. So until last Thursday, I was sicker than I've been in a while. Which stunk, considering it was a school vacation. My sickness led me to invest more time playing on my Nintendo Wii, which leads me to my next excuse.
Excuse #3--Conflict of Interest
I know, I know. What could possibly be more important than blogging?
Well, sorry, but I know one thing, at least, that is.
I recently got back into playing the latest installment of what I consider the greatest video game series of all time. For some, The Legend of Zelda may mean nothing to you, but those who have played it will agree that it is an awesome, awesome game. I mean, it's awesome. Listen, I've played plenty of video games, many of them considered great games by almost everyone. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, however, has got to be one of the best. I know, it has a kinda girlie name. But trust me, it's definitely worth playing. Heh, it's worth buying a Gamecube or Wii to play this game, seriously. Even if you don't play/like video games, you'll like this one. My mom and my sisters want me to tell them when I play, because they consider it to be like watching a movie, only this one has an uncertain outcome, and the main character is figuring it out as they go along.
Y'know, I think I might as well add some beefiness to this post, considering my long absence.
"What makes the game so good? And why would I like it if I don't like video games?", you may well ask.
What makes this game so good is hard to put simply. It's something that needs to be experienced for one to fully understand and appreciate why it's so good. But I think the fundamental aspect of its goodness is its ability to make the player feel as if they're Link, the main character of the series. Not only do you feel as if you are the main character, but the depth of the gameplay immerses you in the video-game world of Hyrule.
How does this game accomplish more than what many video games, books, and movies do?
Hard to say. Maybe it's the storyline? Maybe it's because of the satisfaction you get of actually being the hero? Being a hero who's always doing good, squashing evil, and doing it all in a noble fashion? Maybe it's just that I like that kind of storyline, like being the hero, like doing good and squashing evil in a noble fashion.
Not sure, to be honest with you. I have a feeling, though, it's the little details that do it. The fact that everyone in the game calls you by the name you put in as your own. The freedom you have to do little side-quests in between the challenging dungeons (, I dunno how to put this...levels, I guess, filled with little puzzles and traps before you get to the "boss", a huge, hard-to-beat enemy at the end). The way that even the most insignificant character you meet in town has a personality that is evident despite the fact that none of the conversations have any voice, it's all written in a text box.
Lemme sidetrack a bit to explain that last point. Actually, I'll just give an example. You walk into Castle Town, the largest town in the game, and, after talking with a few random passer-by, hear about this tent on the eastern thoroughfare with something new. The people you talk to don't seem to know what it is, though some seem a litrle suspicious. You decide to check it out, and upon finding the tent, walk in. A brief cinematic plays, in which you walk into the dark tent to be greeted by a slick-looking guy in a robin-hood like costume with a gameshow-host smile under a spotlight. With dramatic gestures and enthusiastic expressions on his face, he explains that this is a game, which, although it costs money to play, promises amazing prizes for the winner. After you have the rules explained to you and you pay the fee, the man wishes you good luck, but you catch a little snicker after his well-wishing (This probably isn't making sense to you, considering I said that there isn't any talking. Let me give you an example of what you'd see in the text box.)
Thank you, good sir! The game begins as soon as you enter the cage! Good luck!......Heh heh heh......
That little snicker gives you a little hint about what the guy is like. You realize that the suspicions entertained by the others you talked to are confirmed when you step into the cage and see the huge amount of glowing orbs you have to collect before the 30 second time limit runs out. You try, and fail. The man's condolences are also tinged with snickering. Now, this begins to get personal. You wanna teach this jerk a lesson! You're not gonna let him just take your money without a struggle! He thinks he's made an impossible game, but you know better. You have a special piece of equipment earned in one of the dungeons that'll help you in the game, but it still will take a significant amount of skill to beat. You try again, this time collecting all the orbs in the time limit. A bunch of ditsy little onlooking girls squeal. You exit the cage and talk with the man. The distraught look on his face is very satisfying. I'll go do another text box example for this one.
Final note: If you like The Lord of the Rings, chances are you'll like Twilight Princess.
Okay folks, that post took me a collective two hours to put together (lol, I've been working on it over two days so it isn't as bad as it sounds).
Hope that makes up for my silence, and covers me if I am silent for a little while longer.
That little snicker gives you a little hint about what the guy is like. You realize that the suspicions entertained by the others you talked to are confirmed when you step into the cage and see the huge amount of glowing orbs you have to collect before the 30 second time limit runs out. You try, and fail. The man's condolences are also tinged with snickering. Now, this begins to get personal. You wanna teach this jerk a lesson! You're not gonna let him just take your money without a struggle! He thinks he's made an impossible game, but you know better. You have a special piece of equipment earned in one of the dungeons that'll help you in the game, but it still will take a significant amount of skill to beat. You try again, this time collecting all the orbs in the time limit. A bunch of ditsy little onlooking girls squeal. You exit the cage and talk with the man. The distraught look on his face is very satisfying. I'll go do another text box example for this one.
What??? How??? Impossible......
....Well, it seems we have a new star! Here's your prize, good sir!
....Well, it seems we have a new star! Here's your prize, good sir!
(He hands you a quiver with a greater capacity than the one you have, a very useful prize, actually. He continues...)
(He hands you a quiver with a greater capacity than the one you have, a very useful prize, actually. He continues...)
Since you've done so well, I'm sure you won't mind if we construct a new setup especially for you! It'll take a little while to complete, but you must come and try it out when it's finished!
.....I will GET you for this...
I guess that maybe this game isn't the kind of game that a non-gamer would easily enjoy playing. I can almost guarantee, though, that if the person is patient, and likes to read books or watch movies, they would at least enjoy watching. In my opinion, this video game's story has an advantage over stories in movies, and even some books. Instead of just being an onlooker, you actually have to be the one solving the puzzles, fighting the bad guys, figuring out what to do next. It's a whole new level of immersion. And personally, I like being immersed in a story......I will GET you for this...
And thus, you walk away happily with your prize, which is all the more satisfying for having foiled the game owner's scheme.
Keep in mind, this is only a little side "quest"-like thing you can do optionally, it's not actually part of the storyline. Anyway, that should give you a taste of how the little details add to the appeal of the game.
And thus, you walk away happily with your prize, which is all the more satisfying for having foiled the game owner's scheme.
Keep in mind, this is only a little side "quest"-like thing you can do optionally, it's not actually part of the storyline. Anyway, that should give you a taste of how the little details add to the appeal of the game.
Final note: If you like The Lord of the Rings, chances are you'll like Twilight Princess.
Okay folks, that post took me a collective two hours to put together (lol, I've been working on it over two days so it isn't as bad as it sounds).
Hope that makes up for my silence, and covers me if I am silent for a little while longer.
Monday, February 11, 2008
You may remember my being absent from the blogosphere with the excuse of college applications.
If you don't remember, I applied to Tufts, Harvard, and UMass Lowell.
Now, in my opinion, 35,000 dollars a year is too much (Tufts tuition), and 40,000 a year is even worse (Harvard tuition--neither of these include room and board). Especially as opposed to 0 dollars a year, which seems to be almost guaranteed with UMass (scholarships for valedictorian). Naturally, UMass is looking very good right now, and since Tufts and Harvard are extremely selective schools, I was sorta hoping that they would pass me over and UMass Lowell would give me a certain scholarship that pays for everything including traveling expenses. To be honest with you, I was hoping that God would let me know where He wants me to go by letting two colleges reject me and one accept me, and not leave me faced with choices.
He still may do so, but an unforseen (on my part, of course) event has occurred.
Harvard had an alumni interview with me on Sunday.
Now, this really doesn't mean that they're going to accept me, or that they're even interested in me. They try to do this with all their applicants, from what I understand. But I was hoping that they'd ignore me completely, heh.
Anyway, I didn't write this post to discuss college admissions.
On our way to "Not Your Average Joe's", where the interview was to take place, my mom joked around with me saying, "Wouldn't it be funny if we got into a car accident, and it ended up being the guy who's going to interview you?"
I played along with the joke, adding to it and whatnot. We got to the restaurant, and before my mom dropped me off so she could go to Market Basket nearby, she said, "Wouldn't it be funny if I got into an accident with the guy here in the parking lot, so that the guy came late and tells you, 'Sorry, I got in an accident with a dumb old lady'" I told her, "I hope he doesn't really get in an accident, with anyone, because if he does and he tells me, I'm gonna crack up."
We laughed, and went our separate ways.
Anyway, the interview began with no incident. Half-way through, the guy got a call on his cell phone, and excusing himself, took the call. When he was finished he apologized,
"Sorry, I got in a car accident...yesterday..."
I managed to keep it down to a slight smirk.
If you don't remember, I applied to Tufts, Harvard, and UMass Lowell.
Now, in my opinion, 35,000 dollars a year is too much (Tufts tuition), and 40,000 a year is even worse (Harvard tuition--neither of these include room and board). Especially as opposed to 0 dollars a year, which seems to be almost guaranteed with UMass (scholarships for valedictorian). Naturally, UMass is looking very good right now, and since Tufts and Harvard are extremely selective schools, I was sorta hoping that they would pass me over and UMass Lowell would give me a certain scholarship that pays for everything including traveling expenses. To be honest with you, I was hoping that God would let me know where He wants me to go by letting two colleges reject me and one accept me, and not leave me faced with choices.
He still may do so, but an unforseen (on my part, of course) event has occurred.
Harvard had an alumni interview with me on Sunday.
Now, this really doesn't mean that they're going to accept me, or that they're even interested in me. They try to do this with all their applicants, from what I understand. But I was hoping that they'd ignore me completely, heh.
Anyway, I didn't write this post to discuss college admissions.
On our way to "Not Your Average Joe's", where the interview was to take place, my mom joked around with me saying, "Wouldn't it be funny if we got into a car accident, and it ended up being the guy who's going to interview you?"
I played along with the joke, adding to it and whatnot. We got to the restaurant, and before my mom dropped me off so she could go to Market Basket nearby, she said, "Wouldn't it be funny if I got into an accident with the guy here in the parking lot, so that the guy came late and tells you, 'Sorry, I got in an accident with a dumb old lady'" I told her, "I hope he doesn't really get in an accident, with anyone, because if he does and he tells me, I'm gonna crack up."
We laughed, and went our separate ways.
Anyway, the interview began with no incident. Half-way through, the guy got a call on his cell phone, and excusing himself, took the call. When he was finished he apologized,
"Sorry, I got in a car accident...yesterday..."
I managed to keep it down to a slight smirk.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Do Us All a Favor.
This post is written partly to appease the request of a certain illustrious Shodan (shodan=Japanese word for "black belt"; illustrious shodan=Mrs. B) and partly because I was gonna write this anyway when I got the time.
I will not even mention by name last Sunday's painful occurrence, it's still too fresh a wound to touch. Obviously. I won't go into reasons why--I don't even want to remember.
This last Monday I found the time to make it out to karate class (which the aforementioned certain illustrious shodan found herself absent for--a very, very rare event, I can assure you). The whole class was happily beginning the workout, when a certain purple-belt with an apparent lack of common sense decided he would talk about that occurrence-which-we-shall-not-mention.
Not only did he decide to talk about it, but he had to comment on how it was a good event-which-we-shall-not-mention.
What???? <-------(general response of a class that was filled with brown-belts and above)
Oh, he was just being "objective". Oh, he tries not to root only for one team, but appreciate the skill and good plays of everyone. Oh, we all have to admit that it was a good game, and that we don't have a right to complain, cuz it was a good game. Oh, we have admire along with him that Mann--*cough choke*--managed to--*urk*--squeeze out of a blitz.
I wasn't the only one annoyed. A certain illustrious Sensei was annoyed as well. In fact, he expressed his annoyance with an eloquence that I aspire to emulate. He grabbed a tanto (the short knife samurai would carry and commit suicide with--seppuku--rather than be dishonored by being captured in battle), unsheathed it, and placed it in front of the annoying purple belt.
"Do us all a favor."
(Unfortunately, Mrs. B., this was the most exciting part of the class. Combinations, stances, strikes, and self-defense are good, but not interesting.)
Anyhow, the annoying purple belt shut up.
I will not even mention by name last Sunday's painful occurrence, it's still too fresh a wound to touch. Obviously. I won't go into reasons why--I don't even want to remember.
This last Monday I found the time to make it out to karate class (which the aforementioned certain illustrious shodan found herself absent for--a very, very rare event, I can assure you). The whole class was happily beginning the workout, when a certain purple-belt with an apparent lack of common sense decided he would talk about that occurrence-which-we-shall-not-mention.
Not only did he decide to talk about it, but he had to comment on how it was a good event-which-we-shall-not-mention.
What???? <-------(general response of a class that was filled with brown-belts and above)
Oh, he was just being "objective". Oh, he tries not to root only for one team, but appreciate the skill and good plays of everyone. Oh, we all have to admit that it was a good game, and that we don't have a right to complain, cuz it was a good game. Oh, we have admire along with him that Mann--*cough choke*--managed to--*urk*--squeeze out of a blitz.
I wasn't the only one annoyed. A certain illustrious Sensei was annoyed as well. In fact, he expressed his annoyance with an eloquence that I aspire to emulate. He grabbed a tanto (the short knife samurai would carry and commit suicide with--seppuku--rather than be dishonored by being captured in battle), unsheathed it, and placed it in front of the annoying purple belt.
"Do us all a favor."
(Unfortunately, Mrs. B., this was the most exciting part of the class. Combinations, stances, strikes, and self-defense are good, but not interesting.)
Anyhow, the annoying purple belt shut up.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Angel of Death
Some of you may remember my previous posts about AWANA, a Bible-club thingamajig my church holds every other Friday that I teach a class in.
Well, every so often, we hold a special AWANA night (e.g. Pizza Night, Ice Cream Night, Crazy Hair & Hat Night, etc.) Last Friday was "Bible Character Dress-Up Night".
Hopefully I don't have to explain it. :D
Anyway, even though I, as a teacher/helper at AWANA, am under no obligation to participate (technically not even the kids are, but there's prizes for best and most original, so that's encouragement enough), I decided I'd have a little fun and join in. And, since I was a teacher, I wanted to have a really cool, somewhat-original costume (Gotta be a good example for the kiddies, y'know :D). So, after mulling over what would fit the bill, I came up with what seemed to be the perfect idea.
I'd say it here but you can read the title of the post. (heh, I'm so lazy I'll say all this instead of just giving you the name)
My plans, at first, were quite extensive. After buying two, three-dollar, black bedsheets at Wal-Mart, I took pains in planning out how I was going to cut them, sew them, put them together, etc. (Yes, I know how to sew [a little]) Somehow, my mom talked me out of it and convinced me to just use a simple design and safety pins. I think she thought it a waste of perfectly good bedsheets. Anyway, I ended up cutting up one of them. I even had plans to make my staff into a scythe, but, alas, my procrastination got the best of me and I ended up with no time Friday night (after getting a lesson ready, eating dinner, blogging, and pinning my cloak together). So, I went with a staff. Not like the Angel of Death had either, but I wanted to get the message across. Bet he didn't even wear black for that matter, heh heh.
Anyway, all that to introduce these pictures to you.



Lol, perfect time for red eye in the first one. In all of them actually. Makes me look a little bit more evil than the Angel of Death though, I think. :D
Well, every so often, we hold a special AWANA night (e.g. Pizza Night, Ice Cream Night, Crazy Hair & Hat Night, etc.) Last Friday was "Bible Character Dress-Up Night".
Hopefully I don't have to explain it. :D
Anyway, even though I, as a teacher/helper at AWANA, am under no obligation to participate (technically not even the kids are, but there's prizes for best and most original, so that's encouragement enough), I decided I'd have a little fun and join in. And, since I was a teacher, I wanted to have a really cool, somewhat-original costume (Gotta be a good example for the kiddies, y'know :D). So, after mulling over what would fit the bill, I came up with what seemed to be the perfect idea.
I'd say it here but you can read the title of the post. (heh, I'm so lazy I'll say all this instead of just giving you the name)
My plans, at first, were quite extensive. After buying two, three-dollar, black bedsheets at Wal-Mart, I took pains in planning out how I was going to cut them, sew them, put them together, etc. (Yes, I know how to sew [a little]) Somehow, my mom talked me out of it and convinced me to just use a simple design and safety pins. I think she thought it a waste of perfectly good bedsheets. Anyway, I ended up cutting up one of them. I even had plans to make my staff into a scythe, but, alas, my procrastination got the best of me and I ended up with no time Friday night (after getting a lesson ready, eating dinner, blogging, and pinning my cloak together). So, I went with a staff. Not like the Angel of Death had either, but I wanted to get the message across. Bet he didn't even wear black for that matter, heh heh.
Anyway, all that to introduce these pictures to you.

Lol, perfect time for red eye in the first one. In all of them actually. Makes me look a little bit more evil than the Angel of Death though, I think. :D
Friday, January 18, 2008
"Yeah, We're Rolling."
WARNING: If you have not yet seen Alpha Squad Vs. Pickaxe Gang: Directors' Cut yet, DO NOT READ THIS POST UNTIL AFTER YOU SEE IT.
Maybe this sounds dumb, but I love watching the Alphas vs. Pickaxes movies.
No matter how many times I hear them, certain lines make me laugh. For example, the title of this post, which John said so perfectly in the interview with the director, never ceases to make me crack up. Some other favorites: "Hey, you can't do this, this is discrimination!"; "(in a perfect British accent) Scurvy scum?! Now I'm the Billy Bob Joe Pegleg around here!"; "I love treeeeeesss"; etc. (and for actions in the movie, I loved it when the "shovel demonstrator" got wiped off the scene by the cue ball the third time we tried it, and when the tree guy wobbles around before tumbling under the director's assault)
Now, while I was thinking about what my favorite parts were, I wondered, "What parts do the general audience, the hoi-poloi, the viewers of our masterpiece enjoy the most?" (Actually, it was more along the lines of: "Wonder what everyone's favorite parts were.")
Which brings me to my point.
What part(s) of our movie(s) is your favorite?
Maybe John and I could get some ideas from your comments, and who knows? A third installment of the blockbuster hit could be in the works! (I doubt we'd be able to use any ideas though, lol, those movies are done with hardly any ideas at all, just randomness)
Until then, let us know what you think, and vote in the poll I put up!
Maybe this sounds dumb, but I love watching the Alphas vs. Pickaxes movies.
No matter how many times I hear them, certain lines make me laugh. For example, the title of this post, which John said so perfectly in the interview with the director, never ceases to make me crack up. Some other favorites: "Hey, you can't do this, this is discrimination!"; "(in a perfect British accent) Scurvy scum?! Now I'm the Billy Bob Joe Pegleg around here!"; "I love treeeeeesss"; etc. (and for actions in the movie, I loved it when the "shovel demonstrator" got wiped off the scene by the cue ball the third time we tried it, and when the tree guy wobbles around before tumbling under the director's assault)
Now, while I was thinking about what my favorite parts were, I wondered, "What parts do the general audience, the hoi-poloi, the viewers of our masterpiece enjoy the most?" (Actually, it was more along the lines of: "Wonder what everyone's favorite parts were.")
Which brings me to my point.
What part(s) of our movie(s) is your favorite?
Maybe John and I could get some ideas from your comments, and who knows? A third installment of the blockbuster hit could be in the works! (I doubt we'd be able to use any ideas though, lol, those movies are done with hardly any ideas at all, just randomness)
Until then, let us know what you think, and vote in the poll I put up!
Flying Squirrel!!!
Picture this: You come home from youth group at church, are only home for about five minutes, during which time your sister goes to her room, when suddenly you hear a blood-curdling shriek emanating from her bedroom.
Your parents leap up and yell, "What's wrong?", as expected, and already begin their journey to either cure the cause of the scream, or give a cause to scream, when the hysterical reply is heard.
"There's a flying squirrel in my bedroom!"
Welcome to my last Wednesday night.
Now, I can probably guess what you're thinking, or at least part of it. Number 1: you're thinking, "WOW! A flying squirrel??? AWESOME! I want to see one!" Number 2: (this one varies depending on gender and personality) you're thinking, "Eek, that stinks to find a furry little animal running around in your bedroom. But, wow! A flying squirrel!" Number 3: "How did she know what a flying squirrel looks like? Did it fly? Wow, a flying squirrel!" And Number 4: "What happened? A flying squirrel!"
Well, I can answer those questions/thoughts.
Before I start, I should probably mention that I wanted to post about this earlier but did not get the time until today.
First of all, I will say that although for a very long time I wanted to see a flying squirrel, I have come to not particularly enjoy seeing them. This is due to the fact that we have had a flying squirrel infestation in our house, and the times I would see them would be when I would go down to the basement to use the computer, hear a little scratching noise and turn around to see a squirrel peeking out of a little hole in the ceiling. Or when I would open the basement door and see one standing on the second-to-top stair staring at me. Or when they were running sideways on the giant beam going across our basement. Or when they'd be running around the garage. Or when...
You get the picture.
Needless to say, I came not to enjoy seeing their cute little face or their cool gliding skills. (I would love to see one in the wild, but that's nearly impossible since they're nocturnal and very good at blending in with their surroundings) And so, when we finally fixed the problem and closed off the hole that it seemed they were coming in from, we thought we had gotten rid of them.
Well, we almost did.
This one little bugger managed to find his way in somehow, and make it to the girls' room. And so, when my sister walked in and turned on the lights, there was a little furry creature staring at her (which she knew to be a flying squirrel since she had seen her share of them). To quote her upon this discovery:
Anyway, when we learned of the problem, Andrew, my dad, and I were dispatched to remove the little guy. So, we shut the door, cutting off his only escape route, got a broom and a walking stick and a wastebasket, and started chasing the poor stinker around, trying to catch him. We thought we'd lost him, and I left my dad and my brother to try to figure out where he'd come from/escaped to, when I heard the shout, "We found 'im!" and hubbub from behind the closed door. Thus, I did not see Andrew actually rustle him out of the *ahem* big mess under my sister's bed with the walking stick and somehow catch him with the wastebasket in the other hand, but that's what I'm told, and since the squirrel was in the wastebasket, trapped under something they put on top to keep him from climbing out, I have to give Andrew credit for having lightning reflexes.
So, my mom drove Andrew, still holding the wastebasket with its rodent cargo, 7 miles out to be dumped off in some woods somewhere.
My sisters are still sleeping in the family room.
Your parents leap up and yell, "What's wrong?", as expected, and already begin their journey to either cure the cause of the scream, or give a cause to scream, when the hysterical reply is heard.
"There's a flying squirrel in my bedroom!"
Welcome to my last Wednesday night.
Now, I can probably guess what you're thinking, or at least part of it. Number 1: you're thinking, "WOW! A flying squirrel??? AWESOME! I want to see one!" Number 2: (this one varies depending on gender and personality) you're thinking, "Eek, that stinks to find a furry little animal running around in your bedroom. But, wow! A flying squirrel!" Number 3: "How did she know what a flying squirrel looks like? Did it fly? Wow, a flying squirrel!" And Number 4: "What happened? A flying squirrel!"
Well, I can answer those questions/thoughts.
Before I start, I should probably mention that I wanted to post about this earlier but did not get the time until today.
First of all, I will say that although for a very long time I wanted to see a flying squirrel, I have come to not particularly enjoy seeing them. This is due to the fact that we have had a flying squirrel infestation in our house, and the times I would see them would be when I would go down to the basement to use the computer, hear a little scratching noise and turn around to see a squirrel peeking out of a little hole in the ceiling. Or when I would open the basement door and see one standing on the second-to-top stair staring at me. Or when they were running sideways on the giant beam going across our basement. Or when they'd be running around the garage. Or when...
You get the picture.
Needless to say, I came not to enjoy seeing their cute little face or their cool gliding skills. (I would love to see one in the wild, but that's nearly impossible since they're nocturnal and very good at blending in with their surroundings) And so, when we finally fixed the problem and closed off the hole that it seemed they were coming in from, we thought we had gotten rid of them.
Well, we almost did.
This one little bugger managed to find his way in somehow, and make it to the girls' room. And so, when my sister walked in and turned on the lights, there was a little furry creature staring at her (which she knew to be a flying squirrel since she had seen her share of them). To quote her upon this discovery:
Anyway, when we learned of the problem, Andrew, my dad, and I were dispatched to remove the little guy. So, we shut the door, cutting off his only escape route, got a broom and a walking stick and a wastebasket, and started chasing the poor stinker around, trying to catch him. We thought we'd lost him, and I left my dad and my brother to try to figure out where he'd come from/escaped to, when I heard the shout, "We found 'im!" and hubbub from behind the closed door. Thus, I did not see Andrew actually rustle him out of the *ahem* big mess under my sister's bed with the walking stick and somehow catch him with the wastebasket in the other hand, but that's what I'm told, and since the squirrel was in the wastebasket, trapped under something they put on top to keep him from climbing out, I have to give Andrew credit for having lightning reflexes.
So, my mom drove Andrew, still holding the wastebasket with its rodent cargo, 7 miles out to be dumped off in some woods somewhere.
My sisters are still sleeping in the family room.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Alpha Squad vs. Pickaxe Gang: Directors' Cut
(Please note that the following was written yesterday night, at the intended time of publishing, but due to an error with Blogger, had to wait until today to be posted)
And now, yet another moment you've all been waiting for!!!
...Although, I guess you couldn't really be waiting for it since you didn't even know it was coming.
But, whether you were waiting or not, whether you're ready or not, whether you even care or not, it's here!!!
"What's here?", you ask?
What's here??? Hopefully you're not asking that question, because the title basically says it all. What you should be asking is, "What do you mean by 'Directors' Cut'?"
Glad you asked!
Directors' Cut means that John came over my house today. Directors' Cut means that John and I wanted to make a sequel to our well-beloved, timeless classic. Directors' Cut means that we did it by interviewing various characters from the aforementioned well-beloved, timeless classic. Directors' Cut means that it's ten times crazier and random than the original. Directors' Cut means that you should not watch this if you're a sane, reasonable person. And, last but not least, Directors' Cut means that I, and I'm sure John as well, have a sore throat.
Good stuff.
Just a few points to note before you watch this movie: Watch, if you haven't already, the edited version of the original first: it'll make us look a little bit less like maniacs with absolutely no logic at all. And you may want to see the original to remember what it was like. Also, please take note of the fact that the movie was recorded on a new camera with the setting accidentally put on widescreen mode, and that the beginning of the movie somehow got messed up. It's supposed to begin with the pickaxe gang member describing how he wanted to use a shovel instead of a pickaxe because he thought it would discriminate against shovels to use only pickaxes.
Oh yes, this one is somehow ten times wierder and crazier than the first.
And so, with that in mind, ladies and gents, boys and girlies, I hereby present unto you, the Directors' Cut of The Alpha Squad Vs. The Pickaxe Gang! (applause here)
Lol, good stuff. Yeah, we're crazy. But we had a blast. Did you? :D
And now, yet another moment you've all been waiting for!!!
...Although, I guess you couldn't really be waiting for it since you didn't even know it was coming.
But, whether you were waiting or not, whether you're ready or not, whether you even care or not, it's here!!!
"What's here?", you ask?
What's here??? Hopefully you're not asking that question, because the title basically says it all. What you should be asking is, "What do you mean by 'Directors' Cut'?"
Glad you asked!
Directors' Cut means that John came over my house today. Directors' Cut means that John and I wanted to make a sequel to our well-beloved, timeless classic. Directors' Cut means that we did it by interviewing various characters from the aforementioned well-beloved, timeless classic. Directors' Cut means that it's ten times crazier and random than the original. Directors' Cut means that you should not watch this if you're a sane, reasonable person. And, last but not least, Directors' Cut means that I, and I'm sure John as well, have a sore throat.
Good stuff.
Just a few points to note before you watch this movie: Watch, if you haven't already, the edited version of the original first: it'll make us look a little bit less like maniacs with absolutely no logic at all. And you may want to see the original to remember what it was like. Also, please take note of the fact that the movie was recorded on a new camera with the setting accidentally put on widescreen mode, and that the beginning of the movie somehow got messed up. It's supposed to begin with the pickaxe gang member describing how he wanted to use a shovel instead of a pickaxe because he thought it would discriminate against shovels to use only pickaxes.
Oh yes, this one is somehow ten times wierder and crazier than the first.
And so, with that in mind, ladies and gents, boys and girlies, I hereby present unto you, the Directors' Cut of The Alpha Squad Vs. The Pickaxe Gang! (applause here)
Lol, good stuff. Yeah, we're crazy. But we had a blast. Did you? :D
Monday, January 14, 2008
Coming Soon...
This post is to forewarn you about something special that will, hopefully, be posted tomorrow. For some reason, Blogger is giving me problems and isn't letting me post it tonight. This post is just here to show you that it was supposed to be out by now.
Friday, January 11, 2008
This Just in: Blogging Slump
Dunno how the Dow Jones or NASDAQ is doing right now, but I do have the unfortunate news that the MFBP (My Fellow Bloggers' Posts) market has seen a steep and steady decline.
Yes, I will be the first to admit that I am a longtime and current offender. But, what's distressing me, all those faithful others are suddenly...acting like my lazy self (insert *gasp* here). John, Eric, Christine, and Aaron have all either not posted for a while or have just posted after a long period of silence. This terrible news may be enough to break your heart (including, of course, the lax behavior of yours truly), but it gets worse...
(The reader is hereby warned that the following information is not for the faint of heart or those with weak constitutions. If for any reason you feel lightheaded or dizzy after reading this information, stop reading, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, then quickly close the browser window.)
...Anyway, for the horrifying part...
...Mrs. only average of 1.25 posts per day.....
(insert creepy organ music and chorus of *gasp*s and sounds of ladies fainting here)
What is this world coming to???
I would think that our mass-lack-of-posting was due to Christmas and New Year and such, with the business encased therein consuming our time, and that we still haven't recovered. I know, for myself at least, that Knights' Academy took up much of my time, and kinda killed the blogging spirit (speaking of which, does anyone mind that I haven't even started chapter 2 yet? I just didn't think anyone really finished chapter 1--except Andrew--so I took it easy) But, this un-bloggy spirit shall not prevail! I have returned! And, I hope, so will the rest o' yas!
Until the blogging spirit dies again, that is. ;)
(By the way, I take back the horrifying news that Mrs. B. was only averaging about 1.25 posts a day. Apparently, that's yesterday's news. She's back on track with about 50 bazillion a day)
Yes, I will be the first to admit that I am a longtime and current offender. But, what's distressing me, all those faithful others are suddenly...acting like my lazy self (insert *gasp* here). John, Eric, Christine, and Aaron have all either not posted for a while or have just posted after a long period of silence. This terrible news may be enough to break your heart (including, of course, the lax behavior of yours truly), but it gets worse...
(The reader is hereby warned that the following information is not for the faint of heart or those with weak constitutions. If for any reason you feel lightheaded or dizzy after reading this information, stop reading, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, then quickly close the browser window.)
...Anyway, for the horrifying part...
...Mrs. only average of 1.25 posts per day.....
(insert creepy organ music and chorus of *gasp*s and sounds of ladies fainting here)
What is this world coming to???
I would think that our mass-lack-of-posting was due to Christmas and New Year and such, with the business encased therein consuming our time, and that we still haven't recovered. I know, for myself at least, that Knights' Academy took up much of my time, and kinda killed the blogging spirit (speaking of which, does anyone mind that I haven't even started chapter 2 yet? I just didn't think anyone really finished chapter 1--except Andrew--so I took it easy) But, this un-bloggy spirit shall not prevail! I have returned! And, I hope, so will the rest o' yas!
Until the blogging spirit dies again, that is. ;)
(By the way, I take back the horrifying news that Mrs. B. was only averaging about 1.25 posts a day. Apparently, that's yesterday's news. She's back on track with about 50 bazillion a day)
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Here I am. I made it to 2008!
For those of you that have forgotten, this is the year I graduate from high school, decide which college to attend (I've applied to three but am not sure of which one I want or will go to), decide what major to study (looking like Biology right now), and thus begin my journey into--*cough cough hack*--responsibility and maturity.
In case you didn't know, being a kid is the best. Being where I am: the best also. Being an adult: Scary. Although adulthood does have aspects to look forward to.
Ever come to a major turning point in your life and, looking back, realize how great life has been so far? And, when you look at your current station in life, realize that where you are is really, really, good, so good that you'd almost be happy to stay the same age at the same area of life?
Then, you look ahead, and realize that you have no idea how it's going to be later on? Actually, you realize that later on, you're going to be responsible for not only yourself, but, possibly, for others? That you actually will be responsible for yourself, that you will shape your future in the most drastic way yet? That all the free time you enjoyed, the times of blissful idleness that are already becoming few and far between, will all but disappear?
And, considering all this about the future, you take a step back and have very little in the way of a plan. You're stepping out into a cloudy future, with barely anything in the way of a map. Yet, this is your future. This determines what you will now make of yourself.
Like I said, scary.
The future is not all dark and forbidding, however. In it, you catch glimpses, dreams of the independence you will have, the blessings you may receive. And these visions of happiness and the thought that maybe, just maybe, each station of life one is in can be the best, give you the hope and courage you need to begin to almost look forward to your future.
A new year. A new chapter of my life.
I'd like to ask whoever reads this for prayer. I really need God's guidance for deciding which college to go to and what to do. And I want to make sure I do what God wants me to do, because I know that whatever it is, I'll be happy as long as I'm doing His will.
For those of you that have forgotten, this is the year I graduate from high school, decide which college to attend (I've applied to three but am not sure of which one I want or will go to), decide what major to study (looking like Biology right now), and thus begin my journey into--*cough cough hack*--responsibility and maturity.
In case you didn't know, being a kid is the best. Being where I am: the best also. Being an adult: Scary. Although adulthood does have aspects to look forward to.
Ever come to a major turning point in your life and, looking back, realize how great life has been so far? And, when you look at your current station in life, realize that where you are is really, really, good, so good that you'd almost be happy to stay the same age at the same area of life?
Then, you look ahead, and realize that you have no idea how it's going to be later on? Actually, you realize that later on, you're going to be responsible for not only yourself, but, possibly, for others? That you actually will be responsible for yourself, that you will shape your future in the most drastic way yet? That all the free time you enjoyed, the times of blissful idleness that are already becoming few and far between, will all but disappear?
And, considering all this about the future, you take a step back and have very little in the way of a plan. You're stepping out into a cloudy future, with barely anything in the way of a map. Yet, this is your future. This determines what you will now make of yourself.
Like I said, scary.
The future is not all dark and forbidding, however. In it, you catch glimpses, dreams of the independence you will have, the blessings you may receive. And these visions of happiness and the thought that maybe, just maybe, each station of life one is in can be the best, give you the hope and courage you need to begin to almost look forward to your future.
A new year. A new chapter of my life.
I'd like to ask whoever reads this for prayer. I really need God's guidance for deciding which college to go to and what to do. And I want to make sure I do what God wants me to do, because I know that whatever it is, I'll be happy as long as I'm doing His will.
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